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Saturday 16 September 2017

AP Civil Services Rules, 1991 - Rule 9 and 25 - Amendments - Orders - G.O.MS.No.127 dt:15-09-2017

G.O.MS.No. 127                                                                           Dated: 15-09-2017
O R D E R:
The following notification will be published in the Andhra Pradesh Gazette:
In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution of India and of all other powers hereunto enabling, the Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby makes the following amendments to the Andhra Pradesh Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1991 issued in G.O.Ms.No.487, General Administration (Services-C) Department, Dated the 14th September, 1992 and published in Part-I, No.235, extraordinary issue of the Andhra Pradesh Gazette, dated the 1st July, 1992 as subsequently amended from time to time.
I. After Clause (ix) of Rule 9 of said rules the following shall be incorporated; Provided that a Government Servant shall be deemed to have been removed from service, if he / she:
(a) is absent from duty without authorization for a period exceeding one year ; or
(b) remains absent from duty for a continuous period exceeding 5 years with or without leave ; or
(c) continues on foreign service beyond the period approved by the State Government.
            Provided further that a show cause notice to explain the reasons for such absence from duty or continuation on foreign service shall be given to the Government Servant and his / her reply shall be considered before invoking the above said proviso.
II. In clause (i) of Rule 25 of the said rules the following shall be incorporated.
“Misconduct leads to a penalty imposed as per 1st proviso under Rule 9 (ix) of these rules, Or”
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