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Thursday 20 July 2017

Promotions to aided staff - Guidelines Rc.No 90-1.2,3,dated.20.07.2017

Read: Government Memo No.18836/PS/A2/2010·31, date:30-06-20l1.
The attention of all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and the District Educational Officers are invited to the reference read above and they are informed that vide Memo cited. the Government have issued clear orders withdrawing all the memos relating to ban on filling up of posts
including ban orders on compassionate grounds, issued in Memo No.8544/PS-I/2005-3. dated:14-11-2005.
      Further, Government have accorded permission to effect promotions to the eligible aided staff in all aided institutions.
       All the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the State are therefore requested to go through the contents and instructions issued in the Government orders read above scrupulously and effect promotions duly following guidelines specified here under.
i. The candidate shall be working in aided posts and shall possess the required qualifications to hold the promotional post on par with Government / Local body teachers.
ii. The school shall be taken as a unit for promotions. In case where all the schools under one management are to be taken as one unit for promotion, such managements must produce the evidence that the seniority/recruitment for such schools was being maintained as one unit.
iii. Promotions shall be as per the seniority and fulfilling other eligible factors. There shall be no disciplinary cases pending etc. against the candidate.
iv. The filling up of the posts shall be as per 2: 1 ratio of promotion: direct recruitment/ absorption as per rules. In other words two posts shall be meant for promotion and one post shall be for- direct recruitment / absorption. In case of single post, the post shall be filled twice by
promotion and in third cycle the post shall be kept for direct recruitment I absorption.
v. When there are no qualified persons in the feeder categories in teaching staff and if lhe persons working in non-leaching posts are qualified to hold particular post, then non-teaching candidates shall
be considered for promotion to the teaching category subject to fulfilment of other conditions.
vi. For promotion to the post of School Assistant, the candidate must posses the required Academic Qualification to hold the post. The candidate must have done the subject as one of lhc methodology in Training Qualification.
vii. The promotion exercise shall be undertaken and completed between 3rd and 7th August 2017.
viii. Where the Correspondent/Manager post is under dispute or vacant,In such cases the promotions and absorptions shall be done by a Special Officer or the DEO himself/herself and shall be completed within the time schedule, given.
ix. The candidates, who are promoted, shall be relieved immediately from the present place/post of working and he/she shall join the promotional post before 141h August without fail except on genuine grounds.
              Further, the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and the District Educational Offices are requested to ensure that
i. The entire process is done in a genuine and transparent manner and in the sequence specified above.
ii. Action is initiated against the managements/ institutions, who failed to follow the procedure and time schedule specified in Andhra Pradesh Education Act 1982.
iii. The process is completed as per schedule and compliance report is submitted to this office within a week after completion of the process by 20th August 2017.
                 The Director RMSA, Additional Director (MOM) and the Joint Director (services) from School Education Department shall be the Slate level observers for overseeing the whole exercise in Kadapa, Guntur and Kakinada region. Respectively the RJDSEs/DEOs shall submIt the report to the observers soon after completion of the process along with necessary documentary evidences.

Download RC.90/2010-1 ,School Education- private Aided schools-Absorption of eligible candidates into aided post-withdrawal of ban on filling up posts -guidelines

Download RC.90/2010-2,School Education-private Aided schools-Promotions to the eligible aided staff-withdrawal of ban on filling up of posts-guidelines

Download Rc.90/2010-3 School Education -Private Aided Schools-withdrawal of ban on filling of posts-filling up of posts in the schools covered under W.P.No.95033/2005 and batch -guidelines

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