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Tuesday 27 June 2017

District School Games Secretaries for two years during 2017-19-Appointment-Instructions-RC.NO.04,dated:22-06-2017

                                         ANDHRA PRADESH:: IBRAHIMPATNAM:: AMARAVATI
                                                          PRESENT: K.SANDHYA RANI,l.Po.S
                     RC.NO.04/PS·I/2016                                                                    dated:22-06-2017
         All the District Educational Officers In the state are informed that as per the School Games Federation of Andhra Pradesh norms the District Level Organising secretaries are to be nominated by the District Educational Officers from among the School Assistant (Ph)'5ical Education) based on the service rendered, qualifications and interest in conducting School Games. The tenure of the post for two (2) years.
        The District EduCational Officers/ DVEOs/ RIOs are therefore requested to nominate new Organising secretaries foc U/14, U/17 from School Education and U/19 years from Intermediate Education in place of District existing School. Games Organising secretaries, who have completed two (2) years.

The criteria for nominating School Games Secretary is:

1. The senior most wilting S.A (P.E) (SChool. Education) for under 14 & under 17 category / P.D (Junior College) for Under 19 shall be nominated.
2. When S.A (P.E) is not available or unwilling,  the senior most willing PET must be nominated.
3. Teachers who participated in National games/sports must be chosen
4. Teachers  who possess higher" qualifications in Physical Education.
5. When there is a tie in first two points of selection, the selection shoUld be based on the next two points.
6. The teachers working in Government/Zilla Parishad must be given preference.
7. The SA (PE), who may get promotion in 3 months as HM/MEO/Lecturer DIET/RIPE shall not be preferred.
8. When the person so nominated gets promotion, another teacher shall be appointed immediately duly following the above procedure.
9. The teacher, who already worked as District School Games secretary earlier cannot be nominated within a span of 6 years  from the year of completion of his/her tenure.

     Therefore. all the District Educational Officers are requested to nominate the District School Games secretaries immediately duly following the above norms/procedure and furnish the list of the teachers so nominated to this office immediately.
      There must oot to be any deviation in the above criteria unless and until there is specific permission from either the CSE or the Principal Secretary to Government.
           M.V.KRISHNA REDDY
for Commissioner of SChooL Education

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