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Tuesday 3 January 2017

G.O Rt No.27 dt.03.01.17 - Revised Final Guidelines for Introduction Of English Medium in All Classes in all Municipal Schools from the Academic Year 2016-17 in Andhra Pradesh for Support Of Urban Poor

      Municipal Administration & Urban Development (D1) Department
G.O.Rt.No.27                                                           Dated:03/01/2017
G.O.Rt.No.738, MA&UD(UBS) Department dated 27.12.2016
                        In continuation of the orders issued in the reference read above, Sri N.Yesuratnam is hereby posted as Special Officer, Education in MA&UD Department. The post of Special Officer is created in order to strengthen the Education System in Municipal Schools and providing the required infrastructure and academic input. The objective is to upgrade the educational standards in Municipal Schools to the level of Corporate Schools, and to prepare the students to face the competitive world with courage and confidence. To achieve the said objective, the Government have recently issued G.O.Ms.No.262, MA&UD(D1) Department dated 25.10.2016 and G.O.Ms.No.14, MA&UD(D1) Department dated 2.1.2017 introducing English Medium in all Municipal Schools from 1st standard to 10th standard. Further, the Department had also introduced Career Foundation Course in all the Upper Primary and High Schools for all the students studying from 6th to 10th standard. The support received for the said programme has been encouraging and the Government had decided to make the Foundation Course as mandatory from 6th to 10th Standard. In order to take forward, the initiatives of the Government, in strengthening the School Education in all the Urban Areas, the Special Officer has been posted exclusively to look after the education in general and pursue the new initiatives. The responsibilities of the Special Officer are as shown below;

a. To look after education in all Municipal Schools by monitoring, supervising, reviewing and reporting.
b. To create an online database for all the schools regarding the infrastructure availability, profile of the teachers and the students.
c. To strengthen the PTAs and the school committees.
d. To provide and improve the basic infrastructure like class rooms, labs, libraries, sports infrastructure etc.
e. To identify and promote individual talents among the students
f. To tap all available resources including CSR to improve the infrastructure facilities.
g. To promote physical literacy among the students
h. To promote digital literacy among the students.
i. To ensure 100% enrolment in all the Municipal Schools
j. To involve the MEPMA Coordinators and the SHG Groups on a large scale to improve enrolment and adult literacy among the parents.
k. To organise periodical training for teachers towards upgrading their knowledge and motivating them for better teacher-pupil coordination and teacher-parent coordination.
l. To improve the academic standard in all the Municipal Schools.
m. To review periodically the performance of the Headmasters & Teachers and report to the Government.
n. To implement English Medium in all schools in all classes, irrespective of the strength of the student and teachers.
o. To organise text books and other study materials in time.
2. Mr.D.V.Rao, Educational Consultant would assist the Special Officer in designing and organising academic programmes in all municipal schools.
3. Mr.D.V.Rao will assist in the fields of ;
 Designing Micro Schedule for teaching
 Developing Question Papers for competitive exams
 Preparation of study material for competitive exams
 Orientation for teachers
 Result analysis
 Remedial steps
 Designing programmes on par with private and corporate schools and updating at regular intervals.
4. The Mission Director, MEPMA will coordinate with the Special Officer and the Education Consultant by mobilising the public opinion and public support to the new initiatives of the Government.
5. The Special Officer shall function under the administrative control of Director of Municipal Administration, Andhra Pradesh, Guntur

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