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Wednesday 21 December 2016

Rc.No.222 Dated: 17 .I2.2016-School Education Department-Krishna District- List of teachers at the Age of Superannuation to retire from Service during the year 2OL7 in the Cadre of School Assistant (SS)

                 Under the provisions contained in A.P.RevisedPension Rules 1980,permissionis hereby accorded to the School Assistant (SS) working in Krishna District who aregoing to be retired from service during the year 2O17 on attaining the age of supcrrannuation on the afternoon of the dates mentioned in the Annexure against theirllames.Permission now accorded is without prejudice to right for taking disciplinaryiiction against the individual in accordance with the allegations/charges if anyreceived/pending and proved in his/her tenure.
                 The Deputy Educational Officer/The Mandal Educational Officers and Headmaster of Concerned High Schools are hereby requested to verify the Date ofBirth of the individuais once again with reference to the Service Register and then onlyserve the permission orders to the incumbent. They are requested to inform this officeii anv deviation is noted in the date of birth/date of retirement against the records inr-his order in respect of the teachers for taking necessary action. They are alsorequested to take necessary relief and in-charge arrangements and report compliance. ⏭ Down load annexure and list of teachers

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