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Saturday 15 October 2016

G.O.Ms.No.197 Dated:14-10-2016 - Payment of remuneration to the Contract/Outsourcing persons – Payment of remuneration on first of the month - Instructions to the Controlling Officers, Drawing and Disbursing Officers, Treasury Officers and the manpower supplying agencies to ensure prompt payment - Relaxation of treasury control orders

                                         GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH
Contract and outsourced personnel - Payment of remuneration to the Contract/Outsourcing persons – Payment of remuneration on first of the month - Instructions to the Controlling Officers, Drawing and Disbursing Officers, Treasury Officers and the manpower supplying agencies to ensure prompt payment - Relaxation of treasury control orders – Reg.
                                      FINANCE (HR-I. Plg. & Policy) DEPARTMENT
G.O.Ms.No.197                                                                                                        Dated:14-10-2016
Read the following:
1. Circular Memo.No.28346-C/958/A2/SMPC/2008, Finance(SMPC) Department, dated 30-09-2008.
2. G.O.Rt.No.4271, Finance (SMPC) Department, dated 01-11-2008.
3. G.O.Ms.No.151, Finance (HE.I-Plg.&Policy) Department, dated 08-08-2016.
O R D E R:
In the reference first read above, Government have issued instructions and laid down the procedure regarding payment of remuneration to all the contract / outsourced personnel as well as aided institutions on the 1st day of every month promptly. In the Government Order second read above, comprehensive guidelines were issued regarding selection of outsourced personnel,payment of remuneration, continuation of services and grievances if any, in Government Departments. In the GO third read above, orders were issued enhancing the rates of remuneration payable to the outsourced employees from 1st August, 2016 with detailed instructions for payment of
2. In spite of the above instructions, some instances have come to the notice of the Government of irregular or delayed payment of remuneration to the contract / outsourced personnel on account of delay in submission of the claim on the part of the agency or due to procedural constraints such as insufficient budget or delay in preferring claims by Drawing and Disbursing Officers.
3. In order to ensure payment of remuneration on the first working day of every month contract and outsourced personnel Government hereby issue the following instructions for strict compliance by all the third party agencies supplying the manpower, Drawing and Disbursing Officers and Treasury authorities concerned.
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