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Friday 19 February 2016

>>AP Rc.No.550 RMSA-AP2014, Dt.19.02.2016 - APRMSA – Utilisation of the services of District IE Coordinators of APSSA – Similar activities for CWSN extended for Classes 9th & 10th in High School under IEDSS

                                     AP Rc.No.550/RMSA-AP/2014, Dt.19.02.2016

          Sub  :- APRMSA – Utilization of the services of District IE Coordinators of APSSA – Similar activities for CWSN extended for Classes 9th & 10th in High School under IEDSS, RMSA – Certain instructions to the Project Officers and District Educational Officers – Orders issued - Reg.
        The attention is invited to all the District Educational Officers & Project Officers of APSSA in the State to the subject cited that, RMSA is implementing the activities for Children with Special Needs of Classes 9th & 10th under Central Sponsored Scheme Inclusive Education for Disabled at Secondary Stage (IEDSS) During academic year 2014-15.
                     In this context it is decided to utilize the service of District IE Coordinators of APSSA to work        and monitor closely the activities of IEDSS IN high schools in addition to their regular duties of AP SSA with immediate effect.
The Team Of Official from O/o RMSA AP Hyderabad will be East Godavari , West Godavari Krishna and Guntur in the last week of February 2016. The Project Officer of APSSA of the said district are instruction the service of district IE Concerned to support the RMSA visiting team duly providing Necessary logistic arrangement and transport in their respective districts
TThe District Educational Officers, and Project Officers in the District are requested to bestow their personal interest and see that all CWSN must continue their education till the completion of class Xth. The Project officers APSSA and DEOs are requested to work their also instructed work also closely with RMSA ICDSS team and monitor closely the activity of IEDSS in RMSA in convergence mode.
                                                                                                                     K. Sandhya Rani ,I.Po.S

                                                                                                         Commissioner of School Education
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