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Saturday 19 August 2023

AP School Assembly Daily News, Activates 19-08-2023

AP School Assembly Daily News, Activates 19-08-2023 in Telugu, in English Today's Special, Daily International News, National News, State News, Sports News, District News School Assembly Dailly Proverb, Poem, School Assembly G. K Question.

AP School Assembly Daily News, Activates School Assembly 19-08-2023

School Assembly  19-08-2023

Today News

  • I was not nervous, very happy to be back: Bumrah
  • Chandrayaan-3 Lander slowed down to move it to lower orbit
  • 12% of sitting MPs of Rajya Sabha billionaires, highest percentage from A.P., Telangana: ADR
  • SC recalls its verdict upholding no indirect taxes can be levied from duty free shops at airports
  • Supreme Court says hate speech will be prosecuted equally, no matter the faith of the offender
  • U.S. extends temporary protected status for Ukraine, Sudan nationals
  • TELANGANA: Significant rise in applications for liquor outlets
  • TELANGANA: U.S. deports several Telugu students for ‘discrepancies’ in visa documentation
  • TELANGANA: ECI makes strategic shift towards personnel training to amplify voter participation
  • Young tribal girl from Maoist hotbed in Andhra Pradesh set to don the DSP uniform
  • ANDHRA PRADESH: 20 Veer Naris of A.P. honoured by Army Wives’ Welfare Association
  • Sudhakar takes charge as Nannaya university Registrar in Rajamahendravaram of Andhra Pradesh
  • CBSE students not allowed to write board exams 2024 if subjects filled incorrectly in LOC
  • UGC drafts guidelines to recognise foreign degrees, bars online or distance mode
  •  Panghal creates history by defending 53kg title, Savita takes 62kg gold; India win wrestling team championship

Proverb/ Motivation

People cannot change the "Truth" .... But "Truth" can change people.

à°¨ేà°Ÿి ఆణిà°®ుà°¤్à°¯ం

à°¬ుà°¦్à°¦ియతుà°¨ిà°•ేà°² à°ªొసగని సఖ్యము

à°•ాà°°్యవాà°¦ిà°•ేà°² à°•à°¡ు à°šà°²ంà°¬ు

à°•ుà°¤్à°¸ిà°¤ునకు à°¨ేà°² à°—ుà°°ుà°¦ేవభక్à°¤ి?

à°µిà°¶్వదాà°­ిà°°ాà°® à°µిà°¨ుà°°à°µేà°®!

à°¤ాà°¤్పర్యము: à°¬ుà°¦్à°¦ిà°®ంà°¤ుà°¨ిà°•ి పనిà°•ి à°®ాà°²ిà°¨ à°¸్à°¨ేహము, à°•ాà°°్యసాధకుà°¨ిà°•ి à°šంచలత్వము, à°•ుà°¤్à°¸ిà°¤ుà°¡ిà°•ి à°—ుà°°ుà°­à°•్à°¤ి à°•ుదరవు. ఇవన్à°¨ి à°’à°•à°¦ాà°¨ిà°•ోà°•à°Ÿి à°µ్యతిà°°ేà°•à°®ైనవి.

Today's GK

Q: Which species is critically endangered?

A. Hawksbill Turtle

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