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Sunday 30 July 2023

LIP Activities, Schedule 2023-24

LIP Activities, Schedule 2023-24 Learning Improvement Progrmme Instructions on the implementation of certain activities under LIP for the year 2023-24 - Instructions Learning Improvement Program – Andhra Pradesh Tentative Schedule of Programmes for the Academic Year 2023-24

Samagra Shiksha, AP- SIEMAT-LIP - Instructions on the implementation of certain activities under LIP for the year 2023-24 - Instructions - Issued - Regarding Memo.No.SS-15021/46/2023-SAMO-SSA. Dt. 28/07/2023

Ref: Lr.No.CIPS-ASCI/FLN/2022. Dt.15.07.2023 of the Director. CIPS.

The attention of the District Educational Officers. Additional Project Coordinators of Samagra Shiksha and Principals of Govt. DIETS in the state (LIP Districts) are invited to the reference cited and it is informed to follow the following instructions for effective implementation of the LIP in identified 10 districts

a. The DIETS Shall act as the nodal agencies to monitor the implementation aspects of LIP with the support of the District level Resource Persons through School Complexes.

b. Necessary support shall be taken from the district-based NGOs to provide learning support to children.

c. The progress of classroom process and children learning outcomes shall be captured.
d. The DEOS shall establish the subject school complexes immediately.

e. The District Level Resource Group under the leadership of DIETS shall visit the schools and observe the progress. DRPs already trained on LIP and their services shall be utilized for monitoring.

f. Monthly progress review over baseline both at District and State level is to be organized.

g. The Partner agencies also visits some of the schools to observe the implementation of LIP.

h. Online meeting is planned to conduct with the DIET Principals. DEOs and State SRG to discuss the monitoring plan. (link will be issued soon).

i. The list of activities which are to be followed for the year 2023-24 is attached.

Therefore, the District Educational Officers of 10 LIP districts are requested to issue necessary instructions to the concerned to follow the above guidelines for effective implementation of the LIP Programme and shall follow the calendar of events for the year 2023-24.

This has got the approval of the State Project Director, Samagra Shiksha, Andhra Pradesh.

Learning Improvement Program – Andhra Pradesh

Tentative Schedule of Programmes for the Academic Year 2023-24



Tentative Schedule

Partner                Agencies



Development of an Action Plan
and guidelines to address the
implementation gaps as observed during state-level monitoring team visits

22nd to 24th May, 2023



Editing and Finalization of the Action Plan, guidelines for the implementation Schedule

26th to 28th June, 2023



Discussion of Action Plan with the SPD and Commissioner of School Education

Based on SPD / Commissioner timings

All the partner agencies


Communication to the DEOs
and Schools on the continuation of LIP in the identified districts along with guidelines




Presentation of Action Plan and guidelines and implementation schedule with the RJDs, DEOs, DIET Principals – To be convened by the SPD and Commissioner of School Education

By 3rd Week of July, 2023

CIPS, UNICEF, Save the Children, Samagra Shiksha


Printing of the Action Plan and guidelines

By 3rd Week of July, 2023

Samagra Shiksha


Meeting to DEO’s, APC’s, AMO’s by WebEx/by Physical


Samagra Shiksha


3-Day Training to State Resource Group Members (SRGs)

27th, 28th, 29th July,


Save the Children


3-Day Training to District Resource Groups at DIET level

1st Week of August (2nd & 3rd August) 2023

Samagra Shiksha


2-Day Training of Teachers at School Complex Level

8th and 9th August,


Samagra Shiksha


1-Day orientation on LIP and its      implementation and monitoring aspects to the state- level officials

5th / 11th August, 2023

CIPS, UNICEF, Save the Children, Samagra Shiksha


Quarterly monitoring and the implantation aspects of LIP by the State teams – quarterly basis. State teams (which includes SRG and ofcicals of Samagra, SCERT and DIETs) – October and February

October, 2023

All the Partner organizations of CIPS, UNICEF, Save the Children and Samagra Shiksha


Quarterly monitoring and the implantation aspects of LIP by the State teams – quarterly basis. State teams (which includes SRG and ofcicals of Samagra, SCERT and DIETs) – October and February

February, 2024

All the Partner organizations of CIPS, UNICEF, Save the Children and Samagra Shiksha


Montly review of implementation    of LIP and learning progress over base line by the SPD with DEOs, DIET Principals and AMOs

As a part of monthly general review meetingA.P with DEOs by the Commissioner and SPD. LIP is one of the agenda items for review

Samagra Shiksha,


Random monitoring visits to
observe the implementation aspects and attending to monthly review meetings at state level by the partner organisations

During the Academic Year

All the Partner organizations of CIPS, UNICEF, Save the Children and Samagra Shiksha

Encl: Activities for the year 2023-24.

Download proceedings| Activities List, Schedule

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