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Thursday 4 May 2023

AP Education Minister & State Officials Conference Live

AP Education Minister & State Officials Conference Live Link YouTube May 2023 with all Teachers, H.M.s, M.E.O.s, Dy.E.O.s, D.E.O.s & R.J.D.s Conference of Education Minister & State Officials with all Teachers, H.M.s, M.E.O.s, Dy.E.O.s, D.E.O.s & R.J.D.s in Andhra Pradesh on 5th May 2023 at 3 pm. Regarding the important focused area of the department for the next 45 days.


1. Nadu-Nedu for schools & Colleges 

2. JVK-4 

3. 100% Enrollment in Schools & Colleges for the academic year 2023-24

5 à°®ే, 2023 à°¸ాà°¯ంà°¤్à°°ం à°®ూà°¡ు à°—ంటలకి à°—ౌà°°à°µ à°µిà°¦్à°¯ాà°¶ాà°– à°®ాà°¤్à°¯ుà°²ు à°¶్à°°ీ à°¬ొà°¤్à°¸ సత్యనాà°°ాయణ à°—ాà°°ు, à°µిà°¦్à°¯ాà°¶ాà°– à°…à°§ిà°•ాà°°ుà°²ు మరిà°¯ు ఉపాà°§్à°¯ాà°¯ుà°² à°•ు à°¸ంà°¦ేà°¶ం ఇస్à°¤ాà°°ు. à°ˆ à°¸ంà°¦ేà°¶ాà°¨్à°¨ి à°µిà°¦్à°¯ాà°¶ాà°–à°²ో ఉన్నటుà°µంà°Ÿి à°ª్à°°à°¤ి à°…à°§ిà°•ాà°°ి, ఉపాà°§్à°¯ాà°¯ుà°¡ు à°ˆ à°¯ూà°Ÿ్à°¯ూà°¬్ à°²ింà°•ు à°¦్à°µాà°°ా à°µినవలసినదిà°—ా à°µిà°œ్à°žà°ª్à°¤ి à°šేà°¸్à°¤ుà°¨్à°¨ాà°®ు .

to watch live conference click here

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