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Monday 27 February 2023

AP DYEO FAC Arrangements 2023

AP DYEO FAC Arrangements 2023 AP School Education Certain Assistant Directors posted as Deputy Educational Officers - Orders - Issued

A.P.E.S. - School Education - Certain Assistant Directors posted as Deputy Educational Officers - Orders - Issued.  Rc.No. ESE02-12021/157/2022-EST 2-CSE, Dated: 26/02/2023



1. G.O.Ms.No.505 Education (Ser.I) Department, dated 16.11.1998.
2. G.O.Ms.No.17, School Education(Ser.I) Department, Dt:11.02.2023.
3. G.O.Ms.No.18, School Education(Ser.I) Department, Dt:11.02.2023. 


Consequent on the postings/FAC/in-charge arrangements made by the Government to the posts of certain District Educational Officer/ District School Educational Officers in the state vide references 2nd and 3rd read above, and under the provisions contained in Note 4 and Rule 6 (4)(ii) of G.O.Ms.No.505, Education (Ser. I) Department, dated 16.11.1998, the annexed arrangements to the posts of certain Deputy Educational Officers are made by shuffling/posting the Assistant Directors/Gr-II HMs in the State for a period of one year or till a person appointed by way of Direct Recruitment whichever is earlier and also subject to outcome of any courts cases. The individuals are requested to report to the concerned District Educational Officer immediately.


The District Educational Officer concerned is requested to relieve / admit the individuals and enable them to join the new post and intimate the date of joining.


Encl: Annexure.

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