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Friday 30 December 2022

Mandal, School College, Habitation Development Plan 2023-24 Guidelines, Schedule

Mandal, School College, Habitation Development Plan 2023-24 Guidelines, Schedule Mandal Development Plan - AWP & B 2023-24 School / College Development Plan - AWP & B 2023-24 Habitation Development Plan - AWP & B 2023-24 Plan Preparation - PAB Schedule, Guidelines, Instructions

AP Samagra Shiksha - Planning Wing - Preparation of Annual Work Plan & Budget (AWP & B) 2023-24 for Samagra Shiksha at State, District and School level Certain instructions Issued Reg Rc.No: SS 19021/4/2022-PLNG-SSA Dated: 30/12/2022 

Read: Letter D.0.2-4/2022-15-2, Dt.07.12.2027 from Ministry of Education, Gol, New Delhi.

All the District Educational Officers and Additional Project Coordinators of Samagra Shiksha in the State are hereby informed that the Department of School Education & Literacy. Ministry of Education, Govt. of India, New Delhi has communicated Project Approval Board(PAB) meeting schedule and thrust areas for Annual Work Plan & Budget (AWP & B) for the year 2023-24 of Samagra Shiksha.

Hence, it is instructed to formulate Annual Work Plan & Budget (AWP & B) for the year 2023-24 and a 2 year perspective plan keeping in mind thrust areas of AWP & B proposals. The AWP & B proposals are to be submitted online on the PRABANDH portal at least 15 days prior to the scheduled dates.

In this connection, the detailed schedule along with the guidelines for preparation and submission of AWP & B 2023-24 of APSS is here with communicated with a request to take up the activities of AWP & 8 2023-24 at District, Mandal, Cluster & School Level.

Therefore, all the District Educational Officers & District Project Coordinators and the Additional Project Coordinators of Samagra Shiksha in the State are hereby requested to follow the below mentioned instructions:-

1. To conduct orientation training programme and necessary meetings as per the schedule at District, Mandal, Cluster, Habitation and School Level.

2. To issue instructions to all Principals of DIETS, IASES/CTES to involve In the plan preparation activities, 

3. To issue suitable instructions to the concerned Mandal Educational Officers (MEOs) / Head Masters (HMS) / Cluster Resource Persons(CRPS) of their respective Districts regarding preparation of mandal, habitation/cluster and school/ Junior college plans.

4. To obtain activity evidences i.e., plan activity photos, plan copies etc along with soft copies of all cluster plans, school plans for further action.

5. To prepare the comprehensive District Plans of AWP & B 2023-24 of Samagra Shiksha and submit all the plans with relevant data to the State Project Office as per the schedule duly following the instructions issued from this Office time to time.

6. To follow the financial norms and instructions being issued from this Office from time to time.

Also requested to follow the guidelines issued by Government from time to time to curtail the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic strictly during the orientation meetings etc. Encl: As above.

Tentative Schedule for AWP&B 2023-24

S. No



Participants / In charges

Resource Persons / Concerned Section


03-01-2023 @11.00 AM (Tuesday)

State level sectoral officers meeting to discuss on sector-wise items

1. Commissioner of School Education &

State Project Director, APSS;
2. State Additional Project Director (SAPD),

3. Additional State Project Director (ASPD),

4. Director SIEMAT;
5. Director SCERT & SIET;
6. Director Libraries;
7. Director Text book press;
8. Director Open School; 
9. Additional Director, Board of Intermediate Education;                                                                        10. One DIET Principal (Krishna district);                                                       

11. All Sectoral officers of SPO;

Concerned Sectoral Officers at SPO.


03-01-2022 @ 3.00 PM (Tuesday)

State level Convergence meeting with Line Departments discuss on sector wise items

Line Departments:
1. Social Welfare,
2. BC Welfare,
3. Minority Welfare,
4. Tribal Welfare,
6. Municipal administration,
11. Sports Authority of Andhra Pradesh (SAAP),
12. Panchayat raj,
13. All ITDA Project Officers (09) 

Concerned Sectoral Officers at SPO.


04-01-2022 (Online Mode) (Wednes Day)

State Level Orientation to district Sectorals i.e., MIS/ Planning Coordinators, AMO, ALSCO, CMO IE Coord & GCDO.

1. Commissioner Intermediate Education,
2. Director, ICDS,
3. Director SCERT & SIET,
4. Director Libraries, 
5. Director Text book press:
6. Director Open School.
7. All the Sectoral Officers of DPO from

concerned Districts;
8. All DIET Principals and Intermediate

DVEOs of all Districts

Concerned Sectoral Officers at SPO, CSE  and State In-charge TSG EdCil Consultant, Ministry of Education(MoE), New Delhi.


06-01-2022 (Online Mode) (Friday)

District level orientation to Mandal Planning Core Teams

MEO, MRG,CRP and SC HM (4 members)

District Sectoral officers of DPO


07-01-2022 (Saturday)

Orientation to Habitation Planning Core Teams at school complex level and issuing plan formats to HMs.

1 HM & 1 SMC Chairman/member per

school in the habitation

HM / Principal


08-01-2022 (Sunday)   to  09-01-2022 (Monday)

Conduct of “GRAMA SABHA”

Habitation plan core group members

HM / Principal


09-01-2023 (Monday)

Video / Tele conference with all DEOs, APCs, Sectoral officers, MEOs and Engineers, APSS

Commissioner of School Education and

State Project Director, APSS

All Sectoral officers at SPO


10-01-2023 (Tuesday)

Preparation of School Plan / Jr. College Plan

1. Teachers/ Lecturers,
2. PC/SMC Chairman,
3. SMC Members,
4. School/ Jr. College Alumni members

HM / Principal


11-01-2023 Wednesday)

Preparation of Habitation Plans & approval by the concerned Sarpanch

Habitation plan core group members

HM / Principal


12-01-2023 (Thursday)

Preparation of Cluster Development Plans & approval by the concerned Cluster Coordinator / Complex School HM/Principal.

Cluster Development plan core group


Cluster HM / Principal


16-01-2023 (Monday)

Meeting of all Cluster HMs at MRC to discuss on Cluster Development & habitation plans and submission

All HMs and Mandal Planning Core Team



18-01-2023 (Wednesday) & 19-01-2023 (Thursday)

Preparation of Mandal Plans and approval in Mandal Planning team meeting 

Mandal planning core team members and

Mandal plan team members



21-01-2023 (Saturday)

MEOs meeting at District Project Office to discuss on Mandal plans and submission

All MEOs and District Planning Core Team



23-01-2023 (Monday)  to  28-01-2023 (Saturday)

District level consolidation, finalization and appraisal of Draft District Plans

District planning team members and  District monitoring committee

District Sectoral officers of DPO and DIET Principal


30-01-2023 (Monday)  to  04-02-2023 (Saturday)

Submission of District Plans (Chapters, Costing Sheets, Data & Evidences, Best Practices etc.) at State Project Office by DPO’s and Appraisal by the State Sectoral Officers

PO, AMO / ALS Coord. / Plg. Coord. /

IE Coord. / CMO / APO, ASO, GCDO

District Sectoral officers of DPO and DIET Principal


06-02-2023 (Monday)   to  18-02-2023 (Saturday)

Preparation of State plan  (Chapters, Costing Sheets, Data & Evidences, Commitments, Annual Calender of Activities, Best Practices etc.)

All Sectoral officers at SPO

All Sectoral officers at SPO


Tentative date ..............-02-2023 (Wednesday)

Conduct of EC meeting for approval of District Plans and State Plan

EC members and all Sectoral officers



03-03-2023 (Friday)

Submission of State Plan and District Plans to EdCIL through online PRABANDH portal, MoE.

ASPD, SPO planning team members



04-03-2023 (Saturday) to 14-03-2023 (Tuesday)

Appraisal at New Delhi




22-03-2023 (Wednesday)

PAB at New Delhi




Download AWP & B 2023 Proceedings

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