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Wednesday 24 August 2022

Drawl of salaries of the Municipal Teachers - Further instructions

Drawl of salaries of the Municipal Teachers Entrustment of Supervision and Administrative responsibilities of the Municipal Schools including service maters of Municipal Teachers to School Education Department - Drawl of salaries of the Municipal Teachers

Roc.No. 21024/193/2022/E,   dated 24/08/2022


Sub: MA Dept. - Teachers Establishment - Entrustment of Supervision and Administrative responsibilities of the Municipal Schools including service maters of Municipal Teachers to School Education Department - Drawl of salaries of the Municipal Teachers - Further instructions issued - Reg.



1. G.O.Ms.No.84 MA & UD (D1) Dept., dated 24.06.2022
2. This office Endt.Roc.No. 21022/2/2022/E1, dated 24.06.2022.
3. Proceedings RNo. ESE02-13/26/2022-EST 3-CSE of the Commissioner of School Education, A.P.,        dated 25.06.2022.
4. This office   Circular    Roc      21022/3/2022/E1,   dated 30.06.2022.
5. Lr.RC.No. ESE02-13/26/2022-EST 3-CSE, dated 11.07.2022 of Commissioner School Education.
6. This office   Circular    No.   21022/3/2022/E1,    dated 18.07.2022.
7. Lr.RNo. ESE02-13/26/2022-EST 3-CSE, of the Commissioner of School Education, dated                      24.07.2022.
8. This Office Lr. Roc.No. 21022/3/2022/E1, dated 25.07.2022
9. Govt. Memo     No.1794517/MAU01/D1/20222,      dated 25.07.2022 of MA & UD Dept.
10. This Office Endt.Roc.No.21024/193/2022, dated 25.07.2022.
11. Lr.RNo. ESE02-13/26/2022-EST      3-CSE,     of     the Commissioner, School Education, dated            17.08.2022.


The attention of all the Commissioners of Urban Local Bodies in the State, where Municipal Schools exist, is invited to the references cited and inform that the Government in the reference 9th cited have permitted to draw the salaries of the Municipal Teachers for the month of July, 2022, from the existing DDOs i.e., Commissioners of ULBs as mapping of Cadre Strength of the Municipal Teachers with the Cadre Strength of the the School Education Department in APCFSS portal not completed. Further, the Government have also requested the Commissioner of School Education to complete the Mapping of Cadre Strength of Municipal Teachers to the cadre strength of School Education in APCFSS before August,2022.


In the reference 11th cited, the Commissioner of School Education, AP has informed that, there is a variation in the Cadre Strength figures submitted by the District Educational Officers concerned from the Cadre Strength figures mentioned in the O under reference 1st cited and requested to verify & furnish the actual Cadre Strength for onward submission to the APCFSS for drawal of salaries of the Municipal Teachers.


Therefore, all the Commissioners of the ULBs, where Municipal Schools exist, are requested to verify and submit the exact Cadre Strength particulars of Municipal Teachers in the Proformas I & II enclosed to this Circular duly reconciling with the   DEOs/DDEOs/MEOs  concerned to this office by 24.08.2022 through the RDMAs concerned without fail for onward furnishing the same to the School Education Department, so as to enable them to map in the APCFSS Portal and to draw the salaries of the Municipal Teachers.


All the RDMAs in the State are requested to obtain the above information from the Commissioners in their Region and submit the same to this office by 24.08.2022 without fail.


Encl: As above

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