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Tuesday 3 May 2022

Technical Teacher's Certificate TTC 2022 42 days Summer Training Course - Notification, Online Application

Technical Teacher's Certificate TTC 2022 42 days Summer Training Course - Notification, Online Application technical-teachers-training-ttc-42-days-summer-training-course-details Technical Teacher's Certificate - 42 days Summer Training Course 2022 Admission of Candidates APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION INTO TECHNICAL TEACHER'S CERTIFICATE 42 DAYS SUMMER TRAINING COURSE ,2022 (23rd MAY 2022 to 3rd JULY 2022)  



  1. Go to Minor Exams
  2. Download 'Instructions for online application' and go through the instructions.
  3. Click on online Application for `TTC-42 DAYS SUMMER TRAINING COURSE, 2022' from quick links.
  4. Enter the Aadhaar No. & Mobile No.
  5. Enter the OTP which is sent to the given mobile no.
  6. Enter the candidate particulars and upload Photo and Signature.
  7. Upload the Scanned copies of Date of Birth certificate, Academic qualification certificate & Technical qualification certificate.
  1. If the candidate belong to other state, please take prior permission from the DGE,AP duly enclosing their Original Certificates for verification. Then upload the permission letter obtained from the DGE,AP.
  2. Verify whether the all particulars and photo & signature are correctly entered/uploaded.
  3. Save the data.
  4. Take print out of application submitted in duplicate. The last date to apply is 15-06-2020 till 05.00 PM.
  5. Handover the downloaded application form along with attested copies of uploaded documents to the District Educational Officer concerned where he/she wish to join the course from 06-06-2020 to 16-06-2020 for admission into the course. [Original certificates of both Academic qualification & Technical qualification have to be submitted for verification purpose and after completion of verification they may be taken back]
  6. The applications submitted without necessary documents will summarily be rejected.
  7. The applications submitted after 16-06-2020 will summarily be rejected.

ఆర్.à°¸ి. à°¨ెం. 717E-1/ TTC/2027 36.2704-2022

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AP TTC 2022 Instructions for Online application

AP TTC 2022 Online Application click here

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