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Monday 9 May 2022

AP Academic Calendar 2022-23 Preparation

AP Academic Calendar 2022-23 Preparation SCERT-AP - Preparation of Academic Calendar 2022-23 - Along with SALT-Team (LFE) and SCERT faculty - Deputation of Certain Subject Teachers/ DIET Faculty-Orders Issued

R.c.No.: ESE02/396/2022-SCERT  Date:07/05/2022

Sub: School Education - SCERT-AP - Preparation of Academic Calendar 2022-23 - Along with SALT-Team (LFE) and SCERT faculty - Deputation of Certain Subject Teachers/ DIET Faculty-Orders Issued - Reg. 

Ref: Review meeting on preparation of Academic calendar

All the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and the District Educational Officers in the State are informed that as part of academic practice it is decided to prepare an Academic Calendar for the Academic year 2022-23 with the following specifications:

1. Based on class-specific, subject-specific and lesson specific Learning Outcomes.

2. Utilization of English dictionaries, and workbooks for Classes I to V supplied by the government.

3. Duly mapped with 21st-century skills, English language development activities, Socio-Emotional Learning, and No Bag Day activities.

4. Celebration and observation of National and State-specific important days and events. 

5. Covering school readiness (VIDYAPRAVESH), Remedial teaching, NIPUN Bharath guidelines, FLN, Learning recovery plan, Teacher Training and other programmes of line departments 

6. Extension of No Bag Day up to class VIII.

In this connection, a workshop is scheduled from 10/5/2022 to 14/5/2022 (5 Days) with identified subject teachers/DIET Faculty / SRP/ Textbook writers (List Enclosed) at SCERT, Ibrahimpatnam, Vijayawada.

Therefore, all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and the District Educational Officers in the State are requested to depute the Identified subject teachers/DIET Faculty/SRP/Textbook writers as per the annexure with an instruction to report the Director, SCERT-AP, Ibrahimpatnam on 10/5/2022 by 9.00 a.m without fail. Further, the participants may be directed to bring their laptops to the said workshop.

The TA, DA and honorarium will be paid as per the APTA Rules.

Encl: Annexure.

Download proceedings, List of teachers

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