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Thursday 7 April 2022

District Restructuring 2022 Service matters of Government employees Appointment of Nodal Officers

District Restructuring 2022 Service matters of Government employees Appointment of Nodal Officers District Restructuring 2022 Appointment of all District Collectors and the District Heads of erstwhile districts as 'Nodal Officers' to look after the service matters of Government employees who are working on the basis of provisionally ordered to serve in the Districts orders - Issued.


G.O.Ms.No.24 Dated: 06.04.20221 

Read the following:

1.G.O.Rt.Nos.35 to 60, Revenue Dept., dated 25.01.2022 and G.O.Rt.Nos.67 to 70, Revenue Dept., dated 25.01.2022. 
2.G.O.Ms.No.31.Finance (HR-I-Plg & Policy) Dept., dated 26.02.2022.
3.G.O.Ms.Nos 173 to 198, Revenue(Lands-IV) Dept, dated 02.04.2022
4.Final Notifications issued in A.P. Gazette Nos.472 to 497 dated 03.04.2022.


In the references 1st read above, preliminary Notifications have been issued by 1º Revenue Department, on the proposed restructured districts and revenue divisions in Andhra Pradesh.

 In the G.O. 2nd read above, the Government in Finance Department have. issued orders on procedural guidelines relating to provisional allocation of posts and personnel in the restructured districts/Divisional Offices. Among others, the following guidelines have also been issued specifying the seniority, promotions of employees as follows:

"The posts and personnel in existing districts/Divisional offices shall be provisionally allocated amongst the restructured districts/divisions, till such time final allocation of posts and personnel is completed. However, the said. provisional allocation of personnel shall not affect their inter-se seniority in any manner.

"The employees deemed to be allotted provisionally and the employees provisionally ordered to serve in the re-organized districts shall be deemed to continue to be in their respective erstwhile district/zone/multi-zone cadres localized under the Presidential Order for the purpose of lien, seniority, promotions and other service matters, as the arrangement of provisional allocation is purely temporary, made due to administrative exigencies in public interest." 

In the references third and fourth read above, Government in Revenue. Department have issued orders and Final Notifications re-structuring the existing districts including formation of new districts along with boundaries in the State and functioning w.e.f. 04th April, 2022. The following districts have been notified:

Government after careful examination of the matter and to avoid hardships to the employees, hereby appoint all the District Collectors and the District Heads of departments of erstwhile districts as 'Nodal Officers' to look after the service matters. of lien, seniority, promotions and other service matters in respect of the Government employees of Departments concerned who are working in the new districts on the basis of 'provisionally ordered to serve", until orders on final allocation of employees are issued.

All the Departments of Secretariat/District Collectors shall take necessary action in the matter accordingly.

Download G.O. Ms. No. 24 Dated:06.04.2022

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