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Wednesday 9 March 2022

FIT India Movement - Suggested Activities List Month wise Calendar

FIT India Movement - Suggested Activities List Month wise Calendar Suggestive Activities Calendar for FIT India Movement March 2022- Feb 2023

Memo No.SS-15021/4/022-SIEMAT, dt.06/03/2022

Sub: AP Samagra Shiksha - SIEMAT - FIT India Movement - suggested activities list under Fit India Movement - Month wise calendar - communicated-Reg.

Ref: F.No.15-1/2020-IS-4, dt.24.02.2021 of the DoSE& L, New Delhi (mail) dt.24.02.2022.

All the District Educational Officers & Ex-officio Project Coordinators and Additional Project Coordinators of Samagra Shksha in the State are hereby informed that the DoSE&L, New Delhi has planned and communicated a month wise suggested activities(calendar) under Fit India Movement from March, 2022 to Feb, 2023.

Therefore, they are requested to issue necessary instructions to all the schools of their districts along with month wise theme based activities (calendar) from March, 2022 to February 2023 to take part in the Movement.

Download proceedings | Month wise activities calendar

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