Cir.Memo.No.D2/1507655/2021 dt: 16/09/2021
Sub: P.S. - T&A Dept.,- Pensions - Forwarding pension authorizations from DTO office to STO office - Instructions -Issued - Reg.
Ref: Representation of Progressive Recognised Teachers Union, AP, Vijayawada dt. 10.08.2021
While inviting attention to the subject and reference cited, all the Deputy Directors of District Treasuries in the state are informed that, instances have came to the notice of the undersigned that pension authorizations which are received from AG/ State Audit, are not being sent to the STO offices immediately.
In view of the above, they are hereby instructed to forward the Pension authorizations to the PDAs ie, the concerned STO offices after required verification at Dist. Treasury without any delay, probably within five days from date of receipt of the PPO's,
Any deviation of the above instructions will be viewed seriously.