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Tuesday 13 July 2021

Vidyarthi Vigyan Manthan 2020-21- Result National Winners



National Winners of Vidyarthi Vigyan Manthan 2020-21 Press Release 

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The seventh edition of VVM 2020-21 concluded on 27 June 2021. It was launched on 1st August 2020, by Dr. Harsh Vardhan hon’ble union minister of Ministry of Science & Technology, Ministry of Earth Sciences and Ministry of Health & Family Welfare. Eighteen Himalayans and 72 Zonal Winners (Eighteen from each zone) were announced through the gracious presence of Prof Abhay Karandikar, Director IIT Kanpur and other dignitaries from the field of education.More than 1 lakh students from 871 schools from 36 States and UTs registered in VVM 2020-21. These students were made aware about the India’s Contributions to the science andtechnology, thus by creating sense of pride for country. VVM provided online hands-on training to all registered students through Online Lectures;Mind Map Making Activity; Science based Experiment/Demonstration Video (during lockdown); Eat Right: Nationwide Mega Science Experiment; Guinness World Records Attempts (during IISF 2020) and other events to create interest among students in purescience.

VVM School level exam was conducted on 29thand30thNovember 2020 on digital platform. The examination was of total one hour thirty minutes duration with 100 multiple choice questions, each weighted for one mark. Students this online exam through digital devices. Result of the same was declared on 15th December, 2020 recognizing 2202 and 3897 students at school level and district level respectively.

This year 2914 students were identified to participate in 24 State Level Camps. This year all the State Level Camps were conducted online. Five (5) State Camps were conducted on 14thFebruary, 2021 and remaining Nineteen (19) on 21stFebruary, 2021. Out of 2914 students selected to participate in the State level camps, 2353 students appeared in the camp throughout the nation. Different skillsets of the students have been tested in these camps. 432 students were announced state level winners and 290 students were identified to participate in National Level Camp Examination.

Out of 290 selected students 283 participated in National Level Camp Examination conducted online on 30 May, 2021. This year along with the 283 Indian students - 1 student out of 5 students from Kuwait; 10 students out of 12 students from United Arab Emirates and 11 students out of 12 students from Qatar also participated in this exam on pilot testing basis for inclusion of international students in upcoming editions of VVM.

Out of these students 72 zonal level winners and 18 Himalayans along with the report and result of ‘Eat Right: Nationwide Mega Science Experiment’ were announced in the auspicious presence of dignitaries like Dr. Abhay Karandikar, Director, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur; Dr. Sridhar Srivastava, Director, NCERT; Dr. Nakul Parashar, Director, Vigyan Prasar; Dr. Biswajit Saha, Director (Training & Skill Education), CBSE; Dr. V. Vijayalakshmi, Additional Commissioner, Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan; Sh. M. C. Sharma, General Secretary, COBSE; Sh. Jayant Sahasrabudhe, National Organizing Secretary, VIBHA; Dr. Arvind C Ranade, National Convener, VVM; Dr. Mayuri Dutt, National Co-convener, VVM; Dr. Brajesh Pandey, Controller of Examination, VVM; Dr. Neeru Bhagat, Academic Head, VVM; Dr. Prashant Kodgire, Student Science Activity Coordinator, VVM; Ms. Sangeeta Abhyankar, Core Team Member, VVM.

Participants and Winners of Eat Right: Nationwide Mega Science Experiment will be provided with the participation and merit certificates respectively. All participants of the National Level Camp Examination will get Kalchakra (Luni-Solar Calendar printed by Vijnana Bharati in association with CSIR-NISCAIR) as memento and participation certificate. Students announced as Himalayans will get prize money of Rs. 25,000/-; Rs. 15,000/- and Rs. 10,000/- for First, Second and Third rank respectively along with national merit certificate. Zonal Winners will get prize money of Rs. 5000/-; Rs. 3000/- and Rs. 2000/- for First, Second and Third rank respectively along with zonal merit certificate. The result can be viewed from VVM portal .

Team VVM is thankful to all the educational boards for promoting and supporting this exam; students, school principals and exam coordinators, teachers, evaluators and observers at its various level for their contribution towards making this programme a huge success. The next edition i.e. VVM 2021-22 is scheduled to be launched in July 2021.

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