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Saturday 8 May 2021

Distribution of Smart Health cards to pensioners - Entrusting to Grama Sachivalayas

Distribution of Smart Health cards to pensioners- Entrusting to Grama Sachivalayas - Examine the possibilities of Entrusting the distribution of smart health card work to the pensioners through village/ ward volunteers.


B. L. Hanumantha Rao, 
Director of Treasuries & Accounts, A.P.,
Ibrahimpatnam, Vijayawada.


The Chief Executive Officer, YSR ArogyaSri Health Care Trust,
MGM Capital Building,
Near NRI Junction, Besides Little village Restaurant,
Chinnakakani, Managalagiri, A.P.-522508.

Lr.No.D2/1406114/2021, Dt.07/05/2021

Sub: P.S.- Treasuries & Accounts Dept.,- Pensions- Distribution of Smart Health cards to pensioners- Entrusting to Grama Sachivalayas -Req- Reg. Ref. Representation of AP State Govt. Retired Employees Association, Vijayawada dtd.26.04.2021 received through WhatsApp on 06.05.2021

I wish to inform that, in the reference cited (copy enclosed) the President, AP State Govt. Retired Employees Association, Vijayawada has requested this office to issue necessary instructions for distribution of smart health cards to the pensioners after receipt of 100% cards in all the Sub Treasuries of state. Further, the Association has also proposed to hand over the distribution work of smart Health Cards of pensioners to Grama Sachivalayas to made easy and flexible to the pensioners in receiving their Health Cards at their residences through the ward volunteer to avoid the rush of pensioners at all sub treasuries in view of the spread of Covid-19 Pandemic.

In this connection. I am to inform that, at the first instance the health cards were downloaded by the employees & pensioners from the AHCT website but not entrusted to the Treasury dept for their distribution.

Further, it is to inform that due to submission of AVCs by the pensioners through jeevan praman portal, only 2-5% of pensioners are coming to the Treasury offices for submission of AVCs in physical mode. As such distribution of health cards through Treasuries may not yield substantive results. Even to send the health cards through post, requires lot of budget under Speed Post Transmission.

As stated by the pensioners association only 30% of health cards are received in the Treasury and it very difficult to know whose health cards are received and thereby there is every possibility that every pensioner may approach the Treasury for their health cards during the present covid pandemic situation and it will be difficult for the treasury staff to handle distribution of health cards work.

In this context, the Pensioners' Association has also requested to distribute the health cards through village/ ward volunteers to the residences of pensioners to avoid certain difficulties mentioned above and for in time distribution of health cards.

In view of the above scenario, it is requested to examine the possibilities of entrusting the distribution of smart health card work to the pensioners through village/ ward volunteers, as requested by the pensioners association, in the event of pecuniary position prevailing across the state.

Encl: As Above.

Yours faithfully,

Lakshmi Hanumantha Rao Bezwada 
Director of Treasuries and Accounts

Download Lr.No.D2/1406114/2021, Dt.07/05/2021

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