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Thursday 7 January 2021

Confirmation of e-SR data of the employees by the Treasury officers - Instructions

Cir.Memo No:3/99-HCM Module/2020 Dt:06.01.2021 T&A dept HCM - Confirmation of e-SR data of the employees by the Treasury officers - Instructions - issued. 

Ref:- 1. Go.MS.No.99 Finance (HR-IV-FR&LR) Department dated 03/12/2020 communicated in this office endorsement No.

Personal attention of Deputy Directors of all District Treasuries in the state is drawn to the above subject. They are informed that the Go.MS.No.99 cited in the above reference has already been communicated to the District Treasuries. As per the Government Order, mentioned in the reference, at point-11of annexure under procedure for upload of e-SR, 9 Parameters in the e-SR data are to be confirmed by the salary bill approving auditor/ Treasury officer duly cross verifying the data (uploaded in the 9 Parameters) with physical copy of the SR scanned and uploaded.

  • After submission by the DDO, the e-SR data will be visible in the login of bill passing auditor in the Treasury.
  • The auditor can access the data using his CFMS ID in "" application.
  • The user ID is CFMS ID and initial password is also CFMS ID which the auditor has to change immediately after first login In the auditor login the auditor has to select "Auditor Confirmation Menu".
  • The DDO submitted e-SRs of the employees will be displayed.
  • Then the auditor has to select " Verify e-SR" button displayed against each employee. The Scanned physical Copy of SR will be visible on the left side screen and 9 Parameters will be visible on the right side screen with radio button separately for Accept/Reject options.
  • The auditor has to complete the validation of 9 parameters with accept/Reject option.
  • If "Reject" option is selected, reason needs to be entered in the remarks box and at the end "Save Remarks" radio button have to be selected.
  • Then e-SR will be forwarded to the salary bill approving Treasury Officer. The auditor has no facility to return the e-SR to the DDO at his level.
  • The bill Approving Treasury officer has to again login the e-SR application using his CFMS ID. The bill approving Treasury officer has to select "Treasury/PAO confirmation" option. And next "verify e-SR" button displayed against each employee. He can review the . Accept/Reject options selected by the auditor for the 9 parameters in the data. • If Accept button is again selected for all the 9 parameters by the approving Treasury Officer, he can forward the e-SR to APCFSS under his Biometric Authentication. system will send back the
  • Basing on "Reject Option" selected by Treasury Officer, e-SR to DDO after Biometric authentication.
  • Approver is the final authority for forwarding/Returning the e-SR For the e-SR already submitted by DDOs before 29/12/2020 they have to furnish one certificate for each employee in the system. In respect of employees for whom such certificate is not furnished by the DDO, system will throw a message in Red Color that "E-SR certificate is not uploaded by DDO" "SENT BACK TO DDO". In such cases the Treasury Officer has to return the e-SR to DDO for furnishing the Certificate,
  • All the Deputy Directors are requested to direct all the ATO/STO'S under their control to immediately confirm the e-SR data of employees available in the logins of auditor/Treasury.
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