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Monday 30 November 2020

Audit on Implementation of distribution of MDM dry ration

Audit on Implementation of MDM (Mid-day Meal) Scheme distribution of dry ration in the state of Andhra Pradesh during covid-19 for the financial year 2019-20 and 2020-21 issued Memo.No 52/MDM-Peshi/2020, Dated.30.11.2020

The immediate personal attention of the all the District Educational Officers in general and District educational officers of Visakhapatnam and Nellore is invited that a team from the Principal Accountant Genral andhra pradesh will conduct audit of the mid day meal.  distribution of Dry ration from 19th March 2020 to 30th November 2020 from 01.12.2020 onward

The team will come to the Head Office on 01.12.2020 and inspect relevant records/registers and will go to two district of Visakhapatnam and Nellore from 7th December 2020 onwards in the first phase.  The team will inspect other districts also.  The letter received from the office the office the Principal Accountant General Andhra Pradesh is enclosed for ready reference.

The team will inspect the schools in the respective district and verify all the records and conduct audit as per the procedure/process given in the above letter.

The District Educational Officers Visakhapatnam and Nellore in particular and all the other District Educational Officers are informed that personal attention must be taken to instruct the concerned subordinates and the Headmasters of the schools to give them full cooperation and show the relevant records and facilitate the audit to realize the objectives.

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