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Saturday 18 April 2020

Closure of certain combination of sections in Under Graduation section of Degree Colleges in the state G.O.RT.No. 64 Dated: 17-04-2020

Higher Education - Closure of certain combination of sections and reduce the intake of students in certain combination of sections in Under Graduation section of Degree Colleges in the state – Orders- Issued.


G.O.RT.No. 64 Dated: 17-04-2020

From the Spl.CCE, A.P. Vijayawada Lr.No.31/GDC&CS/2019, Dated: 25.07.2019.

           In the circumstances reported by the Special Commissioner of Collegiate Education, Andhra Pradesh in the reference read above, Government hereby accord permission to Special Commissioner of Collegiate Education for closure of certain combination of sections and reduce the intake of students in certain combination of sections in Under Graduation section of Degree Colleges in the
State. The list of combination of un-economic sections for closure in the Government Degree Colleges mentioned in this G.O.

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