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Monday 9 December 2019

Creation of Department of Skills Development and Training G.O.Ms.No.153 Dated:09.12.2019


G.O.Ms.No.153                                                                  Dated:09.12.2019 

GeneraAdministratioDepartment - CabineCreatiooneDepartmen“DepartmenoSkillDevelopmenanTraining”- Orders - Issued.

Read the following:

(1) G.O.Ms.No.17 GA(AR&T.I) Department, dated:25.02.2015
(2) G.O.Ms.No.52 GA(AR&T.I) Department, dated:18.04.2015
(3) G.O.Rt.No.2536, GA(SC.A)Department, dated:09.11.2019
(4) From Skills Development and Training Department, U.O.No. 174/OP/2019, dated:02.12.2019.

         In the references 1st, 2nd & 3rd read above, the “Department of Skill Development Entrepreneurship and Innovation” have been created to achieve the objective and goal of Department of Skill Development Entrepreneurship and Innovation with coordinated efforts and convergence of services with Departments like Higher Education, School Education, Technical Education, Labour, Employment & Training and Panchayat Raj & Rural Development

         In the reference read above, it has been decided for creation of new Department “Department of Skills Development and Training” for effective implementation of A.P. Employment of Local candidates in the Industries / Factories Act, 2019 with a intention to provide 75% employment to local candidates, for providing employment and livelihood to the local people as the industrialization of their respective areas is interfering with their livelihood.
          The Government hereby order that a new Department “Department of Skills Development and Training” be created duly merging the Department of Skill Development Entrepreneurship and Innovation and by transferring following posts and also subjects from Skill Development Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Higher Education and Labour, Employment, Training & Factories Departments:

     The Higher Education (OP) Department, Labour Employment Training & Factories (OP) Department and Skill Development Entrepreneurship and Innovation (OP) Department shall take necessary action in the matter.
           The General Administration (SC.A/SC.F/SU.I/II) Department are requested to take necessary action in para (3) above.
      Necessary amendments to the First & Second Schedules of the A.P. Govt. Business Rules, 2018 will be issued separately.

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