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Tuesday 19 March 2019

RPS, 2015- Implementation before 31-03-2019 to facilitate easy implementation of HCM Module on CFMS - Phase-II Circular Memo FIN01

Circular Memo FIN01-HROPCTA(RPRC)/1/2019-PC-TA Dated:09.01.2019

Sub:- RPS, 2015- Implementation before 31-03-2019 to facilitate easy implementation of HCM Module on CFMS - Phase-II- Reg.

Ref:- 1. E file of DTA FIN02-18023/5/2018-H SEC-DTA
2.G.0 Ms No 46 Finance (HR.V-PC) Department, dated 30.04.2015
3.Cir.Memo No 54099/21/A2/HRM-IV-PC/2013 dated 1.03.2016

     In the reference first cited the Director of Treasuries and Accounts, Andhra Pradesh, Ibrahimpatnam has reported that on review of master data of employees in HRMS Portal/ module it,was found that there are 6186 employees of various Departments who are continuing in RPS, 2010 without getting their pay fixed in RPS, 2015. The list of employees is appended to this circular memo as an annexure. He has informed that it is required to bring all pay fixation cases under RPS 2015, since uniformity is necessitated as part of Phase-II CFMS HRMS module development. Therefore, he has requested to issue necessary instructions to all the departments for completion of fixation of pay of all the employees in RPS, 2015 by 31.03.2019.

2. After careful examination of the matter, since uniformity is necessitated as part of Phase-II CFMS HRMS module development, the Government hereby issue instructions to all the HoDs and Secretariat Departments to bring all the pending pay fixation cases under RPS 2015, by 31.03.2019 without fail.

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