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Tuesday 5 March 2019

Enhancement of MDM Cooking cost Modification Orders G.O.RT.No 71 Dated: 05-02-2019

School Education Department – Mid Day Meal Scheme – Enhancement of cooking cost of Primary and Upper Primary and High Schools under Mid Day Meal Scheme – Modification orders -Issued.
                                 SCHOOL EDUCATION (PROG.I) DEPARTMENT 
G.O.RT.No. 71 Dated: 05-03-2019 
Read the following:-
  1. G.O. Rt.No.260, SE (prog.I) Dept dated 18/1/2019.
  2. From the Commissioner of School Education, A.P., Amaravati, Lr.Rc.No.ESE02-27021/64/2018-MDM-CSE, dt:14.02.2019


In the reference 1st read above, Government have enhanced the cooking cost per child per day by 5.35% over and above the existing rates for Primary, Upper Primary, NCLP and IX & X classes as stated at column No. 5 of the table below
w.e.f. 01.04.2018
Sl NoStageEnrollment as per PABExisting Rate (Rs.)After enhancement rate(5.3 5%) by GoI (Rs.)Difference of EnhancementMatching State share (40%)No. of working daysAmount to be release d for the year 2018-19 in lakhs (Col.3x7 x8)(Rs. )
2Upper Primary970000Rs.6.18Rs.6.510.330.13220277.42
4IX & X classes718417Rs.6.18Rs.6.510.330.13220205.46
  1. The Commissioner of School Education, A.P vide reference 2nd cited has submitted that due to typing error the total value under Existing Cooking cost of primary is shown as Rs.4.15 instead of actual figure of Rs.4.13 (old price). Hence she has requested for modification as Rs.4.13 paisa (old price) instead of Rs.4.15.
  2. Government after careful examination of the matter hereby modify the orders issued in G.O. Rt.No.260, SE (prog.I) Dept dated 18/1/2019 as follows:
Sl. NoStageEnrolment as per PABExisting Rate (Rs.)After enhancement rate(5.3 5%) by GOI (Rs.)Difference of EnhancementMatch ing State share (40%)No. of working  daysAmount to be release d for the year 2018-19 in lakhs (Col.3x7 x8)(Rs. )
2Upper Primary970000Rs.6.18Rs.6.510.330.13220277.42
4IX & X classes718417Rs.6.18Rs.6.510.330.13220205.46

5. This order issues with the concurrence of Finance (FMU-School Edn) Dept vide their U.O.No. MU0BES(SE)/6/2018, dated:1.3.2019.
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