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Thursday 22 November 2018

SSC March 2019 Exams Online Student Registration and Generation of Nominal Roll Regular, Private, Once Failed - Instructions, Documents Required, User manual


  • SSC March 2019 Online Application
  • SSC MARCH-2019 పరీà°•్à°·ా ఆన్à°²ైà°¨్ à°µిà°¦్à°¯ాà°°్à°¥ుà°² నమోà°¦ు à°«ాà°°ం మరిà°¯ు à°¯ూజర్ à°®ాà°¨్à°¯ువల్
  • SSC Students Nominal Roll March 2019 Regular
Instructions for filing Online Student Registration and Generation of SSC Nominal Roll:

     All the Head masters arc requested to furnish the students data through online compulsory. If any school fails to furnish the School data cannot be included in the nominal rolls for thc SSC Public Examination, March 2019.Before entering the students information in the website, keep the following documents for ready reference:

a) Original Admission Register.
b) Original Challan of Examination Fee Payment. 
c) Figure Statement.
d) Opening Permission / ETRs in respect of Private /Aided and additional sections sanction order copies if any. 
e) Age condonation order if any.
f) Original PH Certificates if any
  1. PH -l(Hearing impaired (Deaf and Dumb) Category student shall opt only one Language out of three languages. Hence the rest of two languages shall be shown as Exempted.
  2. PH -2 (Visually Impaired/ Blind)
  3. PH -3 (Orthopedically Challenged)
  4. PH -4 (Dyslexia) Category student shall be Exempted to appear 3rd Language English only. 
g) Second language Exemption certificates in respect of out of state candidates, If any. 
h) Fee Exempted Students List. i) Scanned image of the pass port size photo of the students in 'JPG.' format of 10-30 KB size. 
j) Scanned images of the signatures of the students in 'JPG.' of 10-15 KR size.

Procedure adapted for 'online application of the students' data as detailed below:

1.Open the website of Directorate of Government Examinations, Andhra Pradesh:

2.Click on the 'SSC Student Nominal Roll-March 2019 Regular Link'.

3.Click the download the 'ssc ominal Rolls -User manual' which is available in Login Page

4.Read the User Manual thoroughly before procccding further.

5.Login with your User Name(School U-DISE Codc), Password (maintained by the concerned school )and then enter the 'Captcha Number' in the below column showing in the Screen and then click on the 'Submit Button'

7.The following page appears, Click the 41h one means 'Others Button' and in drop down box Select the 2ndd one means 'ssc Nominal Roll '

8.The following home page of SSC ominal Rolls with details of the SSC_School code ,School Name ,Class Management ,Category, Area ,District Name,Mandal ame, Village Name, School U-DISE Code, Section Code displays and Click on 'Get Students' button.

9.On the Ilome page of SSC Nominal Rolls, the list of students appears on the screen and scrolls the horizontal scroll bar towards right.

10.Click on the 'Edit button' in the action column 10.After click on the 'Edit hutton', the screen window shows the EDIT PROFILE OF THE STUDE T.

11.The Head Masters aloe instructed to verify the correct name of the student which is to be printed in the SSC (Main Marks Memo) as shown in the first column of the 'Student Name appear in the certificate (SSC)' in the screen window of the Edit Profile of the Student.

12.Then the Head Masters shall Edit all the fields in the online NR application of the student if necessary except Child ID and Aadhar Number of the student.

13.After filling all the details of the students click on 'Update button' and then the window shown the text message as 'Student SSC R details updated successfully' and then click the 'OK button'

14.After update the R application, the photo and Signature of the student will be available to show on the screen by Clicking on the 'View Image button' .

15.Take a print out of the individual application of the student by click on 'Print Button' for verification.

16.Once the click the 'Confirm Button' there no provision ·to 'Edit 'Option again for the student profile data.

17.Hence all the head masters are requested to again once to verify the student data with reference to Original Admission Register maintained by concerned school prior to click the 'Confirm Button'.

18.After finalization of the student data in the NR application and then click the 'Confirm Button' in the confirmation Column

19.Updated students' data will be enabled in the 'sse ominal Roll Confirmed Report'.

20. Finally the Print out of the Student NR Data shall be download consequent on click the' Print Button' in the confirmation Column.

Click Here for SSC March 2019 Online Nominal Roll Regular
Click Here for SSC March 2019 Online Nominal Roll Private will be enabled soon

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