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Friday, 6 July 2018

CPS - PRAN Password Recovery - I PIN Reset - Generate e-PRAN - Re Print PRAN Card - Guidelines from Treasury

       Cir. Memo No. Fl/4457/2013    Dated : 16th July 2018

Sub:- NATIONAL PENSION SYSTEM - Subscribers' Services Reset l-PlN; and Generate e-PRAN - Provided by CRA - all Treasury Officers / PAOs / PAO (W&A)s - Reiterated - O/o The Director of Treasuries and Accounts, Andhra Pradesh, Amaravati @ lbrahimpatnam.- Facility of Instant -instructions issued to Regarding.

01). This Office Cir. Memo No. D(ll)2/14457/2013, Dated 21/02/2014.
02). This Office Cir. Memo No. D5l14457/2013, Dated 0q/10/2014.
       Attention of all the Deputy Directors of District Treasuries in the State is invited to this office references cited (annexed herewith for ready reference), wherein instructions have been issued to all the Treasury Officers on functionality for 'instant Reset l-PlN' (Internet Personal identification Number); and 'Generate e-PMN' and also directed them to discourage the requests for'Re-issue of l-PlNs 'and 'Reprint PRAN' in view of the above said functionalities. On recent review, it is found that, the Treasury Officers have still authorized the requests of subscribers for'Re-issue of l-PlN / T-PIN'and'Reprint PRAN', even though specific instructions were issued by this office in Circular Memo 01st to 02nd cited. This kind of ineffective handling of these issues is not acceptable.

      All the Treasury Officers / PAOs / PAO (W&A)s are instructed to actively canvass with the Subscribers to use 'Instant Set / Reset I-PIN' (or) 'Reset Password using secret question' to activate their accounts; and 'Generate e-PRAN', which is a replica of PRAN card instead of 'Re-Issue of I-PINs' and 'Reprint PRAN' respectively. They are also instructed not to authorize the reqests or 'Re-Issue o I-PIN T-PIN' and 'Re print PRAN' in future.CPS Reset I-PIN Re-Print PRAN should be done Online.

                                           Cir. Memo No. D(I1)2_04457/2013

Sub:- NEW PENSION SYSTEM - Contributory Pension Scheme - I-PIN and Secret Question and / or its answer forget by the CPS Subscribers -Functionality of Instant Reset of I-Pin (Internet Personal Identification Number) - Provided by the CRA - Instructions to all Treasuries in the State - Issued. 

       Attention of all Deputy Directors of District Treasuries in the state is invited to the subject cited. The CRA has enabled a facility (functionality) for instant reset of I-PIN (Internet Personal Identification Number) online to all the NPS subscribers. 
        It involves the following steps (Relevant screenshots are annexed herewith for ready reference):- 
i. In the first instance, the CPS subscriber, who has forgotten the password, shall click on "Forgot Password?" in the "Subscribers" (left pane) on home page www.cra-nsdl.corn and select "Instant Reset I-PIN". Then a window with empty fields for providing details of subscriber is populated. 

ii. The subscriber shall provide details like his User ID / PRAN, Name, Father's Name, Date of Birth, e-mail address, New Password (own choice) and Confirm Password and click the "Submit" button. All the fields must match with the details printed on his PRAN card. When the subscriber clicks the "Submit" button, a confirmation page is displayed. Then the subscriber has to click the "Confirm" button to generate Acknowledgement Number, if all the details are correct. When the subscriber confirms the request, an Acknowledgement ID is generated. The subscriber should print and handover a copy of it to the treasury officer / PAO with a requisition in Annexure-I, duly attested by the Drawing and Disbursing Officer concerned. 

iii. On receiving such a request, the treasury officer / PAO logs in to www.cra­ by using the Maker (first) User ID and I-PIN. He has to navigate "User Maintenance" menu and select "Reset I-PIN" to verifij the request of the subscriber. Then provide the details of User ID / PRAN of the subscriber (or) Acknowledgement Number in respective fields. A hyperlink (Acknowledgment Number) is displayed as per the details provided by the subscriber. Once the Treasury Officer / PAO clicks the hyperlink, a page is displayed along with 'View Signature", "Accept" and "Reject" options. The treasury officer / PAO has to check the signature of the subscriber by clicking on 'View Signature". Then "Accept" or "Reject" the request after cross checking the information provided by the subscriber. The treasury officer / PAO shall recommend the CRA to process the request in designated "Remarks" field. When the treasury officer / PAO confirms the request, a message "Reset I-PIN request has been accepted and is pending for authorization by the checker" is displayed. 

iv. Then, the checker treasury officer / PAO logs in to www.cra-nsdl.coni by using the Checker (second) User ID and I-PIN. He has to navigate "User Maintenance" menu and select "Authorize re-issue of I-PIN / T-PIN" to authorize the request. Then the treasury officer / PAO should select "Reset I-PIN"from the dropdown 'Transaction Type" and provide the details of User ID / PRAN of the subscriber (or) Acknowledgement Number. A hyperlink (Acknowledgment ID) is displayed as per the information provided by the subscriber. Once the Treasury Officer / PAO clicks the hyperlink, a page is displayed along with 'View Signature", "Approve" and "Reject" options. The treasury officer / PAO has to check the signature of the subscriber by clicking on 'View Signature" and then "Approve" or "Reject" the request on satisfying with the information provided by the subscriber. The treasury officer / PAO has to recommend the CRA to process the request in designated "Remarks" field. If the treasury officer / PAO proposes to reject the request, the same should be mentioned in the "Remarks"fie/d. When the treasury officer / PAO authorize the request, a message "Reset Password request has been authorized" is displayed. Once the request of the subscriber is authorized by the checker treasury officer / PAO, the subscriber can login to by using the new password set by him / her at the time of placing the request. 

         If-the request s not authorized by the treasury officer / PAO within fifteen (15), days of initiation, the CRA system automatically cancels the request. 
        The Deputy Directors of District Treasuries in the State shall take necessary action to communicate these instructions to all the Drawing and Disbursing Officers / CPS subscribers by displaying these instructions in Notice Board and also communicate these instructions to all the Assistant Directors / Assistant Treasury Officers / Sub Treasury Officers / Accountants under their jurisdiction and see that these instructions are strictly complied with. 
The treasury officers are further instructed to discourage the requests for "Re­issue of 1-PINs" in view of the above said functionality.

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