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Monday 19 February 2018

Medlcal Reimbursement proposals of retired/teaching/non teaching employees Sending by the Online - Instructions Rc.No.222

R.C.No.222/(MB 3)/online/2015 Dated: 07/02/2018

Sub:A.P. School Educatlon Medial Attendance Medlcal Reimbursement proposals of retired/teaching/non teaching employees Sending by the Online Cermin Instructions Issued Regarding.

Read: This office Proceedings Rc.No.222/(MB3)/0nllne/2015, Dated 06/07/2017.

           All the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers In the State are here by lnformed that some of the Drawing and Disbursing Officers i.e. Mandal Educational Officers, Head Masters are sendlng the medlcal relmbursement bills of the teachers after uploading the bills In Onllne system. Actually DDO is the custodian for the ORIGINAL BILLS i.e. hard copies. (DDO Declaration enclosed)

              And also informed that REI'IRED teaching/non teaching employs of medical reimbursement bills also submitting through online only. Already passwords, logins and Instructions are Issued by this OFFICE. Now therefore once again strictly instructed to upload the medical pmposals through online only for the Retired Teachers /Non Teaching employees of this department. Manually submltted proposals are not acceptable (Except NIMS/SVIMS hospital treatment).

           Therefore all the RJDSEs and DEOs are requested to Issued clear lnstructlons under their controlllng oftlcers i.e. DDOs.
In the matter and the ORIGINAL medical bills wlll not be accepted at O/o th Commissioner of School Eduatlon after 184022018 including REl‘IRED TEACHING / NON TEACHING EMPLOYEES ALSO.
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