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Friday 15 December 2017

SHAALA SIDDHI Guidelines and plan of action for the year 2017-18 Rc.No.36

Rc.No.36/A3/SSA/SEIMAT/2016  Dated:--12-2017.
 Sub: Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Andhra Pradesh SIEMAT Implementation of School                               Accreditation Programme (SHAALA SIDDHI) Communication of Guide lines cum plan of               action for the year 2017-18-Further Instructions Issued.

Ref: 1. The 243rd meeting of the Project Approval Board of SSA was held on 9th February, 2017 under the Chairmanship of Secretary (SE&L), MHRD, New Delhi to consider the Annual Work Plan & Budget (AWP&B) 2017-18 of Andhra Pradesh.

O R D E R:

In the reference cited above the PAB has sanctioned Rs. 395.0914 Lakhs for 39,50,914 students in the state @ Rs. 10/-per student for the conduct of Shaala Siddhi School Standards & Evaluation Programme in the state of Andhra Pradesh to enable schools to evaluate their performance in a more focussed and strategic manner and to facilitate them to make professional judgment for improvement. Accordingly, it is to be proposed to conduct all the 46,923 Govt and Aided schools (list enclosed) and tentative time scheduled and plan of action of the Programme given here under:

Time Schedule

Sl. No. Name of the Activity Tentative Dates
1 Capacity building of selected SRGs/ Administrators at the State level. 18.12.2017
2. Capacity building of all MEOs, SRGs & others at the District level. 20.12.2017
3. Capacity building of all Headmasters & staff at the Mandal level. 22-12-2017
4. Making available school standards and evaluation of framework, dash board and guidelines 26-12-2017 to 30-12-2017
5. Schools for uploading evaluation data. 31-12-2017 to 10-12-2017
6. 10% External Evaluation of schools covered under this program. 22.12.2017 to 27-12-2017
7. Grading of schools on the basis of summative scores and seven key domains and 45 core standards, -reports available from 30-01-2017
8. Identifying priority areas for improvement. 02-02-2018

As per the discussions with Professor Pranathi Panda (NUEPA, Delhi) to conduct one day state level workshop suggested the dates on 29th Nov, 2017 with all SRGs, AMOs, DEOs, POs and DIET Principals by involving State Council for Educational Research & Training and SIEMAT wing.
As per the Plan of action district level Orientation programme to be conducted in the district Level with all MEOs, and RPs(3) from each mandal by involving the DEOs & POs, Dy.E.Os, Principals of DIETs and RPs who were trained at State Level.
Further it is informed that intern completion of the District Level said Programme who are trained Resource Persons are to be acted as mandal level Resource persons and they may be given training to all Head Teachers of Primary/UP/High Schools. The School Complex HMs, MIS coordinator, DLMT, CRPs of particular mandals may be trained at mandal level as MEO concerned is the course coordinator. The total numbers of participants at mandal level in the state are 50,697.
Estimated unit cost for conducting of School Accreditation Programme (SHAALA SIDDHI) one day orientation programme at District Level & mandal level may be approved:

a) District Level:

  1. Traveling Allowance : Rs.150/-(however actuals as per the A.P. T.A rules.)
  2. Dearness Allowance : Rs.300/-– One day (actuals as per A.P. T.A rules.)
  3. Working lunch : Rs.80/-– per head 4.Tea and Snacks -: Rs.30/-per head 5.Honorarium to Course Director : Rs.500/6.Honorarium to Resource Persons : Rs.300/-per head 7.Stationery : Rs,50/-per head 8.Purchase of package drinking water : Rs.3/-per head. 9.Sweeping charges per 100 participants : Rs.200/10.Venue , Electricity & other charges :Rs.1500/11.Clerical assistant :Rs. 200/12.LCD Projector :Rs.1500/13.Documentation :Rs.500/14.Contingencies :Rs.500/

b) Mandal level:

  1. Conveyance : Rs.30/
  2. Working lunch : Rs.70/-per head
  3. Tea and Snacks - : Rs.30/-per head
  4. Honorarium to Course Director : Rs.500/
  5. Honorarium to Resource Persons : Rs.300/-per head
  6. Stationery : Rs. 30/-per head
  7. Drinking Water : Rs.3/-per head
  8. Electricity & other charges :Rs.100/
  9. Clerical Assistant :Rs. 100/
  10. Documentation :Rs.300/
  11. Contingencies :Rs.300/
Guidelines cum plan of action for School Accreditation Programme (Shaala Siddhi) at field level may be approved:

District Level Training – Guidelines:

One day orientation will be given to all the Deputy Educational Officers, Mandal
Educational Officers, 3 Resource Persons from each Mandal should be attended to the district
level orientation programme. The SRPs who are trained at state level will intern act as RPs at
district level orientation on School standards and evaluation. The Project Officer, SSA will
act as Course – Director.

Role of the Project Officer:

  • The Project Officers have the overall in-charge for the district level School Accreditation Programme until completion of the assessment.
  • The Project Officers have to conduct the District Level Orientation programme as per the schedule and Schedule copy to be given to all MEOs & others concerned.
  • Identification and deputation of SRGs for the State, District and Mandal Level Programme.
  • Monitoring of the entire programme by appointing all sectorals as divisional wise in-charges.
  • Time to time updating of the programme and same should be sent to the SPO.

Role of the District Educational Officer:

  • Overall incharge for the District Level, Divisional Level and Mandal Level
  • To depute the Officers/teachers concerned to the said Programme
• To monitor the said Programme with co-ordination of the Project Officer Mandal Level Training – Guidelines: (MEO & 3 RPs)
In the Mandal Level orientation all the HMs of Primary, Upper Primary and High Schools including KGBVs should be attended the Mandal Level School Accreditation Training Programme. The RPs who trained at district level will intern conduct the Mandal Level Orientation Programme. MEO is the Course Director and he has to look after 100% attendance within their jurisdiction.

Role of the MEO:

  • The Mandal Educational Officers have to conduct the HMs orientation programme at Mandal level as per the schedule and Schedule copy to be given to all HMs concerned.
  • MEOs have to take care regarding the schedule and the entire programme to be completed by as per schedule.
  • MEOs have to take care regarding the transparency of the evaluation.
  • MEO and 2 RPs have to monitor the progoramme and create awareness regarding the programme.

Role of the HM at school point:

  • HM is responsible for entering the holistic information of his school.
  • The evaluation must be transparent and it is to be completed within the prescribed time schedule.

Role of the Data Entry Operator / MIS Co-ordinator:

• MIS & Data Entry Operator of the MRC have to upload the data in the prescribed time with the help of the CRPs to the dash board.

Role of the CRPs:

• CRPs are responsible for the collection of the hard copies regarding the Shaala Siddhi abstract and help the Data Entry Operator / MIS co-ordinator in uploading the data in the website.
The approximate expenditure of the Budget for conducting the said programme in District and Mandal Level in Andhra Pradesh sanction and release an amount of Rs. 1,23,28,909/-(One Crore Twenty Three Lakhs Twenty Eight Thousand Nine Hundred and Nine Rupees only) as allocation of amount against each district as detailed below and the budget shall be met from the allocated budget in the 238th PAB for Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan to Andhra Pradesh under sub head of SHAALA SIDDHI, REMS at SPO level for the year 2017-18.
Sl. No. District Total Expr. Per District Total Expr. Per Mandal Total budget of per district Rs.
Rs. Rs.
1 Srikakulam 104367 730397 834764
2 Vizianagaram 94559 615577 710136
3 Visakhapatnam 116627 859415 976042
4 East Godavari 168119 987890 1156009
5 West Godavari 133791 753258 887049
6 Krishna 133791 744130 877921
7 Guntur 150955 829661 980616
8 Prakasam 148503 794599 943102
9 Nellore 123983 778781 902764
10 Chittoor 173023 1080019 1253042
11 Kadapa 136243 765989 902232
12 Kurnool 143599 685355 828954
13 Ananthapuram 165667 910611 1076278
Total 17,93,227 1,05,35,682 1,23,28,909
The Shaala Siddhi Hand book will be supplied to all the participants of the said Programme at State, District and Mandal Level by this office.
The POs are further requested to appoint the AMOs as Nodal Officer at District Level who was already trained in the State Level Training Programme. The feed back in the shape of detailed report should be furnished to the Nodal Persons Dr. N. Srinivasu and Dr.V.Sathish Reddy of this office are soon after the completion of orientation programme.

Sd/-G. Srinivas, State                  Project Director 

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