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Thursday 14 December 2017

AP TET 2017 Syllabus Paper I & II

 1. DEVELOPMENT OF CHILD  Development, Growth & Maturation — Concept & Nature  Principles of development and their education implication  Factors influencing Development — Biological, Psychological, Sociological, emotional  Dimensions of Development and their interrelationships — Physical & Motor, Cognitive, Emotional, Social, Moral, Language relating to Infancy, early Childhood, late Child hood, Adolescence.  Understanding Development — Piaget, Kohlberg, Chomsky, Carl Rogers, Erikson  Individual differences — Infra & Inter Individual differences in the areas of Attitudes, Aptitude, Interest, Habits, Intelligence and their Assessment  Development of Personality — Concept, Factors effecting development of personality, self concept  Adjustment, Behavioural problems, Mental Health, Defense mechanism   Methods and Approaches of Child Development — Introspection, Observation, Interview, Case study, Experimental, Cross sectional and Longitudinal  Developmental tasks and Hazards
2. UNDERSTANDING LEARNING  Concept, Nature of Learning — input — process — outcome   Factors of Learning — Personal and Environmental Approaches to Learning and their applicability—Behaviourism (Skinner, Pavlov, Thorndike), Constructivism (Piaget, Vygotsky), Gestalt(Kohler, Koffka) and Observational (Bandura)  Dimensions of Learning — Cognitive, Affective and Performance  Motivation and Sustenance —its role in learning.  Memory & Forgetting  Transfer of Learning
 Teaching and its relationship with learning and learner Learners in Contexts: Situating learner in the socio-political and cultural context - Children from diverse contexts—Children With Special Needs (CWSN), Inclusive Education  Understanding of pedagogic methods — Enquiry based learning, Project based learning, Survey, Observation and Activity based learning, Cooperative and collaborative learning  Individual and Group learning: Issues and concerns with respect to organizing learning in class room like Study habits, Self learning and Learning to learn skills  Organizing learning in heterogeneous class room groups — Socio-economic background, Abilities and Interest  Paradigms of organizing Learning-Teacher centric, Subject centric and Learner centric Theory of instruction - Bruner  Teaching as Planned activity — Elements of Planning  Phases of Teaching — Pre active, Interactive and Post active  General and Subject related skills, competencies required in teaching and attributes of good facilitator  Learning resources — Self, Home, School, Community, Technology
Class room Management:
 Role of student, teacher,  Leadership style of  teacher, Creation  of  nonthreatening  learning  environment,  Managing behaviour  problems, Guidance  & Counselling,  Punishment and  its legal  implications,  Rights  of a child, Time Management. Distinction  between  Assessment  for  Learning  &  Assessment  of Learning, School based Assessment,  Continuous  &  Comprehensive Evaluation  : Perspective & Practice Understanding teaching &  learning in  the context of NCF, 2005  & Right To Education Act,  2009.
II (a) Language  - I  Telugu (Content  and Methodology) (Marks:  30) Marks: 24
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