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Sunday 21 July 2019

Village Secretariat System in Gram Panchayats - Eligibility Criteria, process of recruitment

Job Chart and Monitoring System: Village Secretariat
i. A clear and comprehensive job chart with suitable business rules shall be put in place.
ii. The performance of the Functional Assistants shall be reviewed periodically by the Mandal/district level officers concerned and periodically submit the performance appraisal reports.
iii. Key performance indicators (KPIs) are to be developed for each functionary by the respective line departments. An online monitoring system will be developed by RTGS for effective tracking of the performance of functionaries.
iv.Establish systems to achieve transparency & efficiency in functioning besides proper checks & balances and supervision for providing corruption free delivery of services.
v.Line departments shall converge their functioning with Village Secretariats keeping proper linkages with other departments, to act as a single unit of administration.
vi. Horizontal and Vertical control structure should be properly formulated and made functional. Organic links must be established among various Departments and institutions.
Village Secretariat Schedule
i. Issue of guidelines for establishment of Secretariats
ii. Issue of Notification for Village Secretariats.
  1.  Determining the number of secretariats
  2.  Finalizing designations and number of functionaries
  3.  Finalizing Recruitment Criteria & Designation-wise Eligibility Criteria
  4.  Legal Verification of Proposals - 19th July to 22st July 2019
iii. Recruitment of functionaries and issue of appointment letters - 23nd July to 15th Sept 2019
iv.Training of Functionaries – 16th to 28th Sept 2019
v.Setting up of Secretariat Office with Furniture, Equipments, etc. – 20th Sept 2019
vi. Allotment of selected candidates to Village Secretariats – 30th Sept 2019
vii. Commencement of functioning of Village Secretariats – 2nd Oct 2019
  1. The Government directs all the concerned Spl. Chief Secretaries/Prl Secretaries/Secretaries & HODs, the Commissioner PR & RD and all the District Collectors to take further necessary action in this regard.
  2. This order is issued with the concurrence of the Finance Dept vide their UO Note No. U.O.No. FMU0MISC/457/FMU.PR&RD,RWS/2019, Computer No: 935696, dt. 19-07-2019 to provide necessary budget to meet salaries/stipend, infrastructure, recruitment, training for functionaries working in village secretariats.
Sl. No. Desig-nation Functions (Indicative) Nodal Department to recruit, train, etc. No. of Secretariats Proposed No. of functionaries required in Village Secretariats No. of Sanctioned posts in the Dept. No.of per-sons working in the Dept. No.of vacant posts to be filled Number of new posts proposed
1 Panchayat Secretary Convenor of Village Secretariat, Tax collection, Sanitation Panchayat Raj & Rural Development 11114 11114 13065 7648 5417 -
2 VRO Land Administratio n, Civil supplies Revenue 11114 11114 10216 8426 1790 898
3 Survey Assistant Land survey, Land Administration Revenue 11114 11114 - - - 11114
4 ANM Medical & Health Medical & Health 11114 11114 13866 11666 2200 -
5 Veterinary/Fisheries Assistant Animal Health, Dairy and Fisheries Animal Husbandry, Dairy Development & Fisheries 11114 A. 9800 (AHA) B. 750 (MPEA) -250 -250 -- 9800 (1 AHA for 2000 animals (1000 in tribal areas)500 (One MPEA for 300 Hectares)
6 Mahila Police and Women & Child Welfare Assistant Women & Child welfare, Mahila Police, Counselling, Women protection Home 11114 11114 - - - 11114
7 Engineering Assistant Drinking water & Sanitation, all engineering works Panchayat Raj & Rural Development 11114 11114 - - - 11114
Sl. No . Designation Functions (Indicative) Nodal Department to recruit, train, etc. No. of Secretariats Proposed No. of functionaries required in Village Secretariats No. of Sanctioned posts in the Dept. No.of persons working in the Dept. No.of va-cant posts to be filled Number of new posts proposed
8 Energy Assistant Power supply &Street lighting, provide Service connections and coordination with Energy 11114 11114 10276 5585 4691 838
9 Agriculture / Horticulture MPEOs Farming services and procurement & Agri-marketing etc Agriculture/ Horticulture/ Sericulture 11114 5548 (Agri) 4000 (Horti) 400 (Seri) --- 9948
10 Digital Assistant Single window system at Village Secretariat and points-man for all gadgets’ O & M Panchayat Raj & Rural Development 11114 11114 - - - 11114
11 Welfare & Education Assistant Pensions/SHGs/all welfare programs/Housin g and Education Social Welfare (TW dept in tribal Areas) 11114 11114 - - - 11114
Totals 14098 77554
Grand Total 91652

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