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Friday 18 August 2023

AP School Assembly Daily News, Activates 18-08-2023

AP School Assembly Daily News, Activates 18-08-2023 in Telugu, in English Today's Special, Daily International News, National News, State News, Sports News, District News School Assembly Dailly Proverb, Poem, School Assembly G. K Question.

AP School Assembly Daily News, Activates School Assembly 18-08-2023

School Assembly  18-08-2023

Today News

  • Vasundhara Raje dropped from BJP’s Rajasthan poll panels
  • Supply shocks not over, inflation to average well above 6% in Q2, say RBI officials
  • Mobile SIM dealers to require registration: IT Minister
  • Chandrayaan-3 moon lander separates from propulsion module
  • CJI asks if petitioners want SC to assess Centre’s ‘wisdom’ in repealing Article 370; says its ambit is ‘constitutional violations’
  • China assures Sri Lanka of its help in addressing debt challenges before IMF's first review
  • Clicks for candidacy - Telangana Congress links social media metrics to nomination
  • TELANGANA: Conventional AC spl train run as Vande Bharat Express develops snag
  • Governor says Bills received from Legislature, including TSRTC absorption, referred to Law Secretary
  •  CM Jagan Mohan Reddy to inaugurate 125-ft Ambedkar statue in Vijayawada on November 26
  • ANDHRA PRADESH: 1998 DSC batch candidates stage protest for jobs in Vijayawada
  • Andhra Pradesh’s Higher Education Department signs pact with edX for offering online learning programmes
  • CTET August 2023: CBSE to release admit cards on August 17
  • IIT Madras invites applications for free ‘Out of the Box Thinking’ course
  • Air pistol team bronze for India in Shooting World Championships

Proverb/ Motivation

The most difficult people and situations in life are designed by God to teach us something or to develop a quality we need to grow...

à°¨ేà°Ÿి ఆణిà°®ుà°¤్à°¯ం

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à°¤ాà°¤్పర్యము: à°®ంà°šి à°—ుణము కలవాà°¨ిà°•ి à°œ్à°žానము à°¸ంà°ªాà°¦ింà°šుà°•ోవడంà°²ో à°—à°² à°—ొà°ª్పతనము à°—ుà°°ింà°šి à°•ొంà°šెà°®ు à°šెà°ª్à°ªినను à°…à°¦ి à°•ొంà°¡ంà°¤ à°…à°µుà°¤ుంà°¦ి. à°…à°¦ే à°—ుణహీà°¨ుà°¨ిà°•ి à°Žంà°¤ à°šెà°ª్à°ªిà°¨ా à°ª్à°°à°¯ోజనం à°‰ంà°¡à°¦ు. à°•ాబట్à°Ÿి à°®ంà°šి à°—ుణముà°²ేà°¨ి à°µాà°¨ిà°•ి à°®ంà°šి à°®ాà°Ÿà°²ు à°šెà°ª్పడం à°µృà°§ా.

Today's GK

Q: Which of the endangered species is found in Kaziranga National Park?

A. One horned Rhinoceros

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