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Tuesday 8 August 2023

AP School Assembly Daily News, Activates 08-08-2023

AP School Assembly Daily News, Activates 08-08-2023 in Telugu, in English Today's Special, Daily International News, National News, State News, Sports News, District News School Assembly Dailly Proverb, Poem, School Assembly G. K Question.

AP School Assembly Daily News, Activates School Assembly 08-08-2023

School Assembly   08-08-2023

Today News

  • Parliament Monsoon Session Updates - Delhi Services Bill passed in RS after division vote
  • Manipur Government note in Supreme Court shows one case of rape and murder till July 31
  • Rahul Gandhi attends Lok Sabha as his disqualification is revoked
  • In Supreme Court’s ‘healing touch’, an all-women committee of three former High Court judges to oversee relief in Manipur
  • Imran Khan's party files plea in Pakistan Supreme Court; seeks retrial in Toshakhana case
  • Parliament proceedings - India has 482 recognised medical colleges: Health Ministry informs Lok Sabha
  • Development of rail network helps the common man: Telangana Governor
  • Gaddar laid to rest with full state honours as thousands join his final rites
  • Protest over ‘bias’ in selection of Dalit Bandhu beneficiaries
  • Andhra Pradesh sweats as mercury touch 40 degrees Celsius for the third consecutive day
  • ANDHRA PRADESH: Download Disha App for quick police help, SP tells girl students
  • No permission for maha dharna proposed by A.P. electricity employees’ JAC on August 8: police
  • NEET PG Counselling 2023: MCC releases provisional result for round 1
  • IIT Madras to organise JAM 2024; registrations to begin on September 5
  • West Indies beats India by two wickets to take 2-0 lead in five-match series

Proverb/ Motivation

Respect is not Bonded in the chains of WEALTH..., BUT VALUES.... THIS IS UNIQUENESS OF INDIAN CULTURE....!!

à°¨ేà°Ÿి ఆణిà°®ుà°¤్à°¯ం

à°µేనవేà°²ు à°šేà°°ి à°µెà°±్à°±ిà°•ుà°•్కలవలె

à°…à°°్ధహీà°¨ à°µేà°¦ మఱచుà°šుంà°¦్à°°ు

à°•ంà° à°¶ొà°·à°•ంà°Ÿె à°•à°²ిà°—ెà°¡ి ఫలమేà°®ి?

à°µిà°¶్వదాà°­ిà°°ాà°® à°µిà°¨ుà°°à°µేà°®!

à°¤ాà°¤్పర్యము: à°ªిà°š్à°šి పట్à°Ÿిà°¨ à°•ుà°•్కలలాà°— à°—ుంà°ªుà°²ు à°—ుంà°ªుà°²ుà°—ా à°…à°°ుà°¸్à°¤ూ పనిà°•ిà°®ాà°²ిà°¨ à°µేà°¦ాà°²ు à°®ంà°¤్à°°ాà°²ు à°šà°¦ుà°µుà°¤ూ à°‰ంà°Ÿాà°°ు. ఇలా అరవడం à°®ూà°²ంà°—ా à°—ొంà°¤ు à°¨ొà°ª్à°ªి à°°ావడమే à°•ాà°¨ి à°Žà°Ÿుà°µంà°Ÿి ఉపయోà°—ం à°‰ంà°¡à°¦ు.

Today's GK

Q: Which is the lowest point in the India?

A. Kuttanad

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