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Monday 18 April 2022

Nadu Nedu Special Leave ELs to Nadu-Nedu HMS Covid 19 pandemic Lock Down period

Nadu Nedu Special Leave ELs to Nadu-Nedu HMS Covid 19 pandemic Lock Down period Permission to sanction 15 days Special Leave in the shape of Earned Leave to the Headmasters of Upper Primary and High Schools who rendered their services in the Nadu Nedu Programme during the Covid 19 pandemic Lock Down period accorded permission

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Memo.No.ESE02/448/2021-DESIGN-CSE Dated:13/04/2022

Sub: School Education - Permission to sanction 15 days Special Leave in the shape of Earned Leave to the Headmasters of Upper Primary and High Schools who rendered their services in the Nadu Nedu Programme during the Covid 19 pandemic Lock Down period accorded permission - Regarding.

Ref : 1.MemoNo .ESE01-SEDN0CSE/990/2020-SER-1,Dated: 31.03.2022 of the Government.

The attention of the all Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Ofcers in the State is invited to the reference cited and they are informed that the Government has accorded permission to sanction 15 days Special Leave in the shape of Special Leave to the Headmasters, who rendered their services in the Nadu – Nedu Programme during the Covid – 19, as a special case for the services rendered during the pandemic lock down period, subject to avail only keeping in view of the additional fnancial burden and not to be accounted in the regular Earned Leave, which is eligible for surrender. A copy of the Govt Memo is enclosed herewith.

Therefore all Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers are requested to identify the Headmasters of Primary / Upper Primary/ High Schools, who rendered their services in the Nadu-Nedu Programme (Phase-I) during the COVID-19 Pandemic and issue instructions to make a separate special leave entry in the S.Rs of the individuals for 15 days special leave and subject to for avail only. The said special leave should not be accounted into E.L. Accounts of the individuals as per the Govt. Orders.

Download Nadu-Nedu ELs Memo

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