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Monday 25 October 2021

Implementation of Public Finance Monitoring System (PFMS) Opening of Zero Balance Accounts for SMC, MRC, CRC, KGBV

Implementation of Public Finance Monitoring System (PFMS) Opening of Zero Balance Accounts for SMC, MRC, CRC, KGBV

Circular memo No: 1418942/ 1542905 /FIN-SEC-SSA 25/10/2021

Sub: A.P.S.S Finance Implementation of Public Finance Monitoring System (PFMS) - Opening of Implementing Agency (IA) Zero Balance Accounts for CSS Accounts- Instructions issued-Reg.


1. D.O. No. 4-4/2021-IS.2 dt: 24.05.2021 of the Joint Secretary (SS-II), MHRD,Govt of India
2. D.O No.F.1( 13)/PFMS/FCD/2020 dt 23.03.2021, 12.04.2021,Secretary (Expenditure) Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure
3. U. O Note File no.HROTFR/5/2021-HR-V(No. 1523678) Dated 29-09 2021, Finance (TFR) Dept, A.P 
4. Circular Memo No. HROTFR/5/2021-HR-V di: 21.10.2021, Finance (HR.V-TFR-A&L-EWF) Department, GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH

The attention of the Addl.Project Co ordinators of the Samagra Shiksha in the state are hereby invited to the subject and references cited wherein, vide refen 2/3 and 2nd cited, the Finance department and Ministry of Human Resource depar... Govt of India have informed that, the Govt of India, have modified procedure for release of funds to States/UTs for the Centrally Sponsored Schemes [CSS) and monitoring utilization of the funds released. The aim of the revised procedure is to ensure effective cash management and improve transparency in public expenditure management.

Accordingly A.P Samagra Shiksha (Centrally Sponsored Scheme) has to open a Single Nodal Agency Account (SNA) in the bank designated by the Govt of A.P and also to open bank accounts to its all the implementing agencies (IAs) Les to all the 13 District Project offices of  S.S and to Sub-District units SMCs/CRCs/MRCs/KGBVS etc...

 As per the orders issued vide reference 3d cited above, this office has opened at Single Nodal Account for the O/o State Project Director, Samagra Shiksha at Union Bank Of India, Ring Road Branch, Vijyawada.

Further, in the reference 4th cited above the State Govt have issued instructions to open Zero Balance Accounts (ZBA) to all the Implementing Agencies (IAS) for the Samagra Shiksha in the nearest Mandal branch of Union Bank of India only.

Therefore all the Addl.Project Co ordinators of Samagra Shiksha in the A.P state are here by directed to open Zero Balance Accounts (ZBA) to all the Implementing Agencies i.e to respective District Project offices and to all Sub District Units Le SMC,MRC,CRC,KGBV,etc., (each 1 Account for one unit) lying under the Districts at the nearest mandal branch of Union Bank of India only.

Name of the account should be in the format: PEMS-IA1/2/3/

Hence all the Addl.Project Co ordinators, are hereby directed to open bank account for Implementing Agency Accounts as stated above scrupulously and should map those accounts to the SNA account of Samagra Shiksha, before 31.10.2021.

The list of documents required to open IA ZBA as mentioned in Annexure A, for any technical queries please contact or 0866-2882949 account opening doubts and clarification contact and

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