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Friday 31 July 2020

Recover the amount of the Cooking cost from the Centralized Kitchens in the State - Not Recovered - Explanation called for

Mid-Day Meals Sanction of Rs.7.99 Crores towards meeting the expenditure to Akshaya Patra Foundation for setting up of Centralized Kitchen at Kuppam Recover the amount from the Cooking cost from the Centralized Kitchens in the State - Not Recovered - Explanation called for - Regarding Memo.No.ESEO2-27021/86/2018-MDM-CSE, Dated:#ApporvedDate#

1) Lr.Rc.No.5977/04/MDM/2016 Dt:22.10.2016 of DEO, Chitoor.
2) MoU, Dated:21.07.2017 with Akshaya Patra Foundation by the Collector & District Magistrate, Chittoor.
3) G.0.Rt.No 1639, Finance (FMU. Edn) Dept Dt:24.07.2017.
4) G.0.Ms.No.465, Finance (FMU. Edn) Dept Dt:21.03.2018.
5) G.O.Ms.No. 1143, Finance (FMU. Edn) Dept Dt:14.05.2018
6) G.O.Rt No.99, School Edn(Prog-1) Dept, Dt:16.05.2018.
7) This office Procgs.Rc.No.212/MDM/2016 Dated:04.06.2018,
8) This office Procys.Rc.No.ESE02-27021/86/2018-MDM-CSE,Dt:13.12.2018.
9) This office Lr.Rc. No.ESE 0227021 /86/2018-MOM-CSE, Dt:06.06.2019 office Procgs.
10) Rc.No.ESE02-27021/86/2018-MDM-CSE,DL:09.09.2019.
11) This office Lr. Rc. No.ESE02-27021/86/2018-MDM-CSE,Dt:07.01.2020.

The attention of the under mentioned District Educational Officers are invited to the references cited and they are already informed that the Government has sanctioned an amount of Rs.7.99 crore (Rupees seven cores and ninety nine lakhs only too M/s.Akshya Patra Foundation towards construction of centralized kitchen at Kuppam, Chittoor district as an advance. The amount was released to the Akshya Patra Foundation from 2018-19 budget in relaxation of quarterly regulations on AC Bills subject to recovery of amount from the cooking cost payable to the Agency

Accordingly, in ref 10th cited, instructions were issued to concerned District Educational Officers with a request to recover the amount of Rs. 1/- per day per child from the cooking cost payable from the concerned centralized kitchen in their districts for a period of 5 years t.e., from October-2019 to August - 20251077 working days). But, the DEO. Chittoor has not recover the amount of Upper Primary & High School Payment from January-2020 and Primary, Upp.Pry & High School from March-2020 and the other DEO's in Ananthapuram, Nellore, Krishna and East Godavari has not recover the amount since October 2019 due to that, approximately an amount of Rs. 68 lakhs loss to the Government Exchequer.

Therefore, the under mentioned officers are hereby requested to furnish the recovery details of M/s.Akshaya Patra Foundation and also explain the reasons for not recover the dues, why disciplinary action should not be initiated against you and MDM Team at District for the above lapses. The written explanation along with the reasons should be submitted to the Director, MDM & School Sanitation within a week from the date of receipt of this notice.

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