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Tuesday 16 July 2019

Opening of new Municipal Primary Schools in unserved areas Roc.No.11021

Municipal Administration Department - Education - Opening of new Municipal Primary Schools in unserved areas - Certain instructions issued- Regarding.
1) G. O. Ms. No. 1,Edn.Dept., dated 01.01.1994.
2)  G. Oe. Ms. No. 210,MA&UD (D1)  Dept., dated 23.05.2017.
3)  This office Cir. Rock. No. 11021/68/2017/J3, dt. 26.08.2017.
4)  This office Cir. Rock. No. 11021/89/2019-JSEC ( 2632992/2019/J1), dt. 28.06.2019.

       The attention of all the Municipal Commissioners in the (59) ULBs where Municipal Schools exist and all the RDMAs in the State are here by informed that, due to "Ammavodi" Programme huge no of parents of schools aged children want to joint their children in the Municipal Schools.
      As per G. Oe. Ms. No. 210,MA& UD(D1) Dept, dt. 23.05.2017,a minimum (19)  students are required to open a primary Schools in the ULBs. As  such, where there is necessary to open new school, all the Commissioners of (59)  ULBs are hereby instructed to send necessary proposal, duly obtaining a resolution in the Municipal Council Concerned for opening of New Municipal Primary School as per the availability of the school aged children in unserved areas, to the District Educational Officer Concerned duly following the Stipulated norms in the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions ( Establishment, Recognition, Administration and Control of Schools under private Managements)  Rules, 1993 issued vide  G. Oe. Ms. No. 1,Edhcation (p.s.2), dated. 01/01/1994. After obtaining necessary permissions from the concerned DEO, the same shall be informed to the MRO with our fail in order to provide necessary to the students viz, books, uniforms, mid-day meals etc.

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