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Friday 26 May 2017

RC.11,ALA-Ananda lahari Abhyasana-Identification of ALA schools-instructions

                                                 K Sandhya Rani, I.Po.S
R.C.N011/C/C&T/SCERT/2016                                                                          Dt:26.05.2017
Sub: PEMANDU lab initiative -Implementation of Ananda Lahari Abhyasana (ALA) in 1342 Double Teacher Primary Schools in AP Identification of ALA schools -Certain instructions issued.
Ref: 1. PEMANDU lab draft report
2. Progs. R.C.No. 11/C/C&T/SCERT/2016 dt: 06.03.2017 of the Commissioner of School Education, A.P, Amaravati.
The attention of all the District Educational Officer and the Project Officers, SSA is invited to the subject read above that Ananda Lahari Abhyasana Programme, a PEMANDU lab initiative is going to be implemented in 1342 double teacher schools across the state.
Regarding this, we are to glad to inform you that, the ALA trainings of Master Coaches and Demo School Teachers of all districts are completed successfully at RiVER institute, Rishi Valley, Chittoor Dt. during March and April 2017.
Connected to this, please read the reference 2, wherein it is requested to identify 2 double teacher schools (ALA schools) in each Mandai as per the criteria given thereof. But till now no district has sent the list of ALA schools. Hence you are requested to follow updated criteria for the selection of ALA schools provided in the annexure.
In view of the start of the programme from June 2017, it is requested to provide the list of ALA schools along with the details as shown in the annexure on or before 05.06.2017. to SCERT, SSA and IT cell of CSE office
                 A.P, AMARAVATI
To All the District Educational Officers in A.P All the Project Officers, SSA, AP Copy submitted to the State Project Director, SSA, AP, Amaravathi.

     Criteria for the selection of ALA Schools(2 Schools per Mandal):

    1.It must be a Primary School with two teachers

    2.Minimum enrollment of class 1 and 2 together should be 20.

    3.Consider the strength of classes 1 and 2 of the academic year 2017-18.

    4.School should have good infrastructural facility with spacious classrooms and safe to keep the online/offline TLM to be supplied

    5.It must be a Telugu Medium School preferably Mandai Parishad

    6.In case of non availability of Mandai Parishad Primary Schools with the requirements, preference may be given to govt, municipal, aided etc.

    7.The ALA Demo Schools which were already selected during trainings at RiVER institute should also be included among the list of ALA schools.

    8.The ALA Demo schools(52) are among the 1342 schools. They are not separate schools.

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