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Wednesday 12 September 2018

SMALL BITE BIG THREAT - Malaria and Dengue Awareness Programme - Action Plan, Responsibilities of HM and Teachers Rc.No.45

Rc.No.45/APSSA/HEALTH /School Health program/2018   Dt:10.09.2018  

Sub :- APSSA-Amaravati-implementation of Malaria and Dengue Awareness Programme with name "SMALL BITE BIG THREAT" at District Level-instructions -lssued -Reg. 

          The District Educational Officers, District project officers and GCDO's of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan are requested to implementation of Dengue and Malaria Awareness program in Schools under school health program in the state and addressed that the School Education Department, Andhra Pradesh has been taking several steps to prevent vector born diseases among School going children and to reduce the absentees rate and retention of attendance. Though several steps have been taking by the Government, there are lot of health issues and make the teachers and students to aware about health issues and make them to deal with health issues at schools.

  • To monitor malarla and dengue trends over tlme
  • To reduce the incidence of malaria and dengue in schools
  • To detect and predict outbreaks of vector borne diseases in schools
  • To develop a sustainable setup to prevent vector borne diseases in schools
  • To reduce mortality due to their complications among those who got affected
  • To educate school children to reduce mosquito breeding sites
  • To monitor and evaluate vector borne diseases from time to time
  • To develop inter sectoral coordination to prevent vector borne diseases. 
  • To ensure community mobilization and participation to prevent vector borne diseases in schools
  • To provide strategies for school health actions on prevention of vector borne diseases.

Therefore, The District Educational Officers and District Project Officers of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan in the State are requested to take necessary action in the matter and support the teachers in implementation of Small Bite Big Threat.

Download proceedings copy, Action Plan, Poster, Check List
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