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Thursday 5 October 2017

English Language Learning Programme for 6th to 10th Class Students during summer vacation - Lr.No.298

Lr.No.298/A&I/2017-2,                                                Dated: 23-09-2017
Sub:- School Education - Conducting of Special Programme for English Language Learning in High Schools during summer vacation for 6th to 10th Class students - Reg.
Ref:- Lr. No. Spl/DCEB/2017, dated: .06.2017 of Collector &District Magistrate, SPSR Nellore District.
        I, am to inform you that, many of our pass out students from colleges and Universities are not in a position to communicate in English effectively, consequently they are unable to compete with other and losing chances to get good job opportunity across the globe. Further, the High School is crucial for every child and it is the right place to improve the English language skills in students.
        Further, the Collector & District Magistrate, SPSR Nellore District vide reference cited has informed that he has organized series of meetings and conducted workshops with District Level and field level authorities and made an appeal to all English Teachers to come forward to run Spoken English classes in all High Schools across the district voluntarily during summer for 40 days i.e., @ 2 hours per day from 08.00 AM to 10.00 AM. Accordingly, 325 Headmasters of High Schools and 613 English Teachers come forward to run the said course during the summer.
          Further, a team was constituted with expert English Teachers for preparation of modules. Two modules/ work books were prepared for 6th & 7th Class children called Bridge Course, the second one is named as proficiency course for 8th to lOth Classes children, the total programme is nomenclature as SPELL (Special Programme for English Language Learning). Around 12000 Bridge course books and 11000 Proficiency course books got printed and supplied to all the students and the schools where the teachers give consent and running the course voluntarily.
         Further, the Collector & District Magistrate, SPSR Nellore District has informed that, on 24th April, 2017 the Course was launched in 186 High Schools. In spite of hot summer, around 8000 children attended classes regularly. Daily attendance is also being taken with the help of CRPs and is
being consolidated at district levels.
           Further, the Collector & District Magistrate, SPSR Nellore District has informed that he has visited many schools and observed that many of the parents and SMC members are sending their children and expressed their happiness regarding the programme. Some of the elders/retired employees (who are not teachers) are also taking classes voluntarily. In many areas even Primary Class children i.e. 3rd to 5th classes also attended the classes in their nearby schools on their own interest. The course was implemented successfully in the District. All the stakeholders, the local public representatives and the media have appreciated the programme whole heartedly.
         In view of the above, I request you to implement the programmes SPELL as was done in Nellore District for benefit of the students of your respective districts with the support of the District Educational officers concerned.
        Yours faithfully
       Sd/- K Sandhya Rani
Commissioner of School Education
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